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The Mafia Love Prey

Chapter 3 Farewell With Children

Word Count: 2637    |    Released on: 03/07/2022

my hair as pretty as you do?" t

crusts off my sandwiches?"

Theo remember how I told you the crusts were good for you!" I couldn't help b

em. I'd watched them grow over the past year and experienced many things with them, like when Theo's fi

Leila." she sniffled before hugging into me suddenly, mak

Theo mimicked, doi

my dress as I patted them

hilst you're in England." I said with false hope laced in my voice hoping they wou

enly, his bright brown youthful eyes

what I was avoi

e with the same look on her face, only her eyes sho

the truth without upsetting them further. Rather than choosing the latter, I

really." I

up from his mobile and putting it in his blazer "we have to g

d my arms from embracing the children "Come on guys, I've got to

whole bunch!" he told me using his tiny

milia backed him



ted one hand on Emilia's back, and the o

, hugging be once more before their p

some space." Mrs Bain said shaking her head, letting the sm

em before turning my head to Mr and Mrs Bain giving

rs Bain waits here with the kids, I'll sign the paperwork mak

ce as I picked up my

said giving me a tight lipped smile, befo

letting me serve you." I

more "Remember what I told you yesterday." she patted me on the

iled back "Bye kids." I waved at them

ain called as I he

ing to need i


I heard the familiar voice of Leonardo s

tanding behind Mr Bain, befor

er brilliant work ethic - as we are moving away."

ce they'd finished he looked

gain." he exclaimed grabbing me an

and I realized what he meant, he wanted me to be polite in front of Mr Bain

hrough gritted teeth, tr

he looked me up and down. There was silence for a mo

ning the paperwork the

r Bain." Leonardo said and g

e walked through the large hallways full of business men - so

to it in this place, and staring back would get you

n the long narrow hallway where Leonard

t as we reached the d

door behind you Leil

rown wood, and the walls interior was a burgundy color. Leonardo's desk was big and wooden w

he'd never read, or read before. It wa

ir opposite his desk, next to th

y understand. I was then asked the usual questions I'd be asked when I was in th

joy your t

ou tre

spectful at

things you sho

lly in fear of my past owners who were in the room at the time hurting me or something, Leonardo told me to itch my ar

about how his maids were treat as long as they we

said, a

my simple signature that didn't really make much difference but was o

ted "you're officially back on the mar

in the past. I didn't believe

d sternly, and I smiled at him gratefully as we

him as he opened the door and lead the way out of th

" Mr Bain addressed as we began

nce again Mr Bain. If you ever move back in town, be

asis on the word hire, he also didn't like the way this place was like a

ding at grinning at Mr Bain trying to hide

or your service Leila. Hopefully we can stay in contact," he began, then leant down to my height so then I

you sir," I announced "and I wi

to Leonardo "Good bye Mr Rascone." raising his hand a

Leonardo called as h

s was it now - it was official, I no longer


t G

t I quickly turned back to

at to do."

re then." he smirked as he winked at me before wal

e hallway of them and I was always assigned to the same one. They contained a small single bed in case you weren't bough

aching the hall full of rooms. I made my way to the room assigned to

t knew I'd never quit the company. I pretty much couldn't ot

s still the same plain white colour. They even had my uniform ready, that I had to wear in order to be b

ightly longer, and the neck a little higher so I could bend down

e wouldn't be much point. I then took off my black dress, replaci

gh length, but it would do. I put on the lace stockings, and slipped on the pai

rdo insisted that I do so otherwise I'd

brown - almost black - hair. My hair now reached about, just a couple of inches above

alf decent when it was down if I had had it in plaits the day before. I decid

bags under them probably from lack of sleep I had got almost every night. My cheeks were tinged pink due to

ce the redness and cover the bags under my eyes a little. I then got out a mascara and added a thin layer of that to my, already fairly long, eyelashes. My lips were quite full already without applying

d, not exactly ecstatic with the out

ry about than looks, or whatever it was people worried about n

a little bit was the color of my eyes - they were a bright e

ll and saw that it was already 2:45.

ce more, leaving my stuff in the room. If I wa

consumed with nerves although I couldn't change what

this, I


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