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The Mafia Love Prey

Chapter 4 Weird Training

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 03/07/2022

oached him, back at the hallway we were previously

ht to the point, self consciously pulling my skirt down an

but today I'm debating on whether or not to put you in private...or talent." he

ly rich men who although would not treat you the best, would pay you the most a

making a dog dance, I wished. Unfortunately, no it was a room where y

vate then." I suggested quie

moment and I had a gut feeling he'd go for the opposite of wha

have very important visitors today." Leonardo warned me. I si

ppreciatively "and wh

ad patronisingly at me, then all of a sudden spoke quite seriously "It doesn't matter who they a

ly what he m

ueaked, nodd

lready walked ahead, and

treat whoever was coming a lot more nicely, that meant they were usually ver

ouldn't be


e that was covered in a lace cloth, there weren't any sea

t, and also a few tables and chairs scattered around - but like I

each got a small, silver square platform to stand on - like a stage, and were made to clasp o

efore flipping my hair back out of my

and immediately realized I

an, as I turned around to

t in it say it was horrendous. You'd be forced into tacky outfits and be b

nd you need to help the others set up and then get in your stand."

n the private rooms and I'd n

, or guests, would be walking around as it

le, the bar was marble and so were the floors. Although, the table was s

f years older than me. She had her lips painted a deep red color, and wasn't wearing a lot of make up on her eyes. Her uniform was also quite similar to mine, although you could tell the difference.

it was my fault!" s

d not really knowing what else to

ddenly "What's your name?

poke simply,

t think I've seen you here before. A

.bought for the past year." I said truthfully, looking around - not trying to be ru

en working here for a year, and have been in and out of people's h

verly cheerful attitude "um...I'm not trying to be rude but why d

hough I'm rid of quickly, I get brilliant feedback." she winked at

ed not really sure

d on talking "Did Leonardo tell you about this 'special guest'? He sounds sc

body important coming, but he didn't

d with according to Leonardo." Bonnie told me "Although, don't say I told you - I only overheard

ts safe with me." I smi

ou already." sh

d exactly have a sleepover and plait each other's hair as you can never really work off of a f

h an overwhelming ringing sound of a microphone being dropped

it was from the top corner of the room whe

. You will not be called if you are wanted to be bought, a member of staff will accompany the man/woman that would like to purchase you and you will then be taken with them and whatever items you own that are in your room will be given to you as

the rules girls." he warned "Now, have fun - which I know you will -

, you heard the man

mall smile before heading over to my plat

ening and mouthed "Good luck." to which I responded

s opened completely as members of staff bega

y caught my eye, and I somehow knew h


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