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Revengeful murder

Chapter 2 Stone hearted bitch

Word Count: 1624    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

when I will stop having them." He signed.Got up "Maybe after I get


rs back with their own coins." Smiling slyly, h


ime to play the game." He respond


into an office where a man sat with his back facing the door, her

k lean on the wall and legs cross over each other as she

tte place between the two fingers closer to the thumb as he breathe in

and disappeared into the thin air becoming invisible while he puff o

leaving the door to close on it own cr


though,as a meddium size table suitable enough for an office sa

which is opposite to the man's own and s

paperwork littered around with a laptop which was pl

cigarettes,lantern and a small ash tray with ashes

he was looking for as she imme

s,she lit it producing a smoke which she inhaled once,twice ,thrice and then puff it out in the man's face .

ary scar face squeezing up and hardening in a scowl as he glared at her with his eyes as red as the devil's "What did you mean !?y

etter to be late than never? What would you do if I never show up?


"She yelled deadly calm not showing any emotion nor did her facia

eft no room for argument nor contradiction

that Altansanai and him neve

e adopted her but that doesn't mean they're close or have a father and da

st for raising her .But she thought that being her foster dad doesn't give

nd that's the only relationship they c

get familiar with her.The bond that held them is business. order and deliver. She careless whether he adopted or raised her.Theyre not close and thats the fact

touch it around the huge scar on his face which started zygoma narrowing esca

ansanai, arent you?don't forget I .AM .the boss.!"He thundered staring deeply into her eye

face squeezing more in anger. "I'm fucking gonna let today go.i swear the next time you fucking try this shit.

he smoking of her cigar .After inhaling a large sm

get straight to the point.Stop your childish threat and

has to do with her a dare devil decided to forfe

I fucking told ya to fucking

ll need to eat my chicken lap .T

fuck tha

.Nevertheless ,am fucking gonna serve him my special chicken lap

tear him.But I got to be patient and you got to

wing that the job is already done.But he asked

it till tomorrow,

ot ton

o my work when am ready to.And beside I

it fucking more im

hitty questions. Tomorrow, am gonna get you


ld him, drop the almost burnt cigarettes on the ash

et the messa

while the other held the stick in her mouth as she walked out o

phan girl lost her parents at

s Desmond Elliot who was

that kills without mercy .Killing gives her Joy and satisf

rds no

l large enormous breast which is slightly bigger than normal coupled with her big butt and hips makes her look goddamm alluring and irresistible,attracting the

er side and entered into her mecedes benz car.she press the car CD filling the car with a cool ba

riving with her left hand while the other hand held the cig

r phone rang.she swiped the answer button and rais

she listened attentively not interuptin

affirmed when the cal

another turn ,she spe

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