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Revengeful murder

Chapter 7 Plotting

Word Count: 1191    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

ymond said bowing his head

and lift his head standing patient like

ties.Today, your anus will dig a hole and another, it'd be licking just to avoid your duties.And you Raymond, "he pointed at him a

Altansanai groaned,displeased at the bo

Altansanai so, shut up!"S

ink I'd come for the fuck up meeting if he was making an ex



pologize. "Ray butted in before his f

eat it self,it wont tolerate any form of excuse


u understand? "He

"Yeah sure

rport. "He inquired seething and Raymond pointed

ttes which was litted by a man standing close to him wh

formed O-shape lips.He took more gump then stop " Why aren't t

ont of him.They stare at each other before one gathered up courage ."We try boss,but

He stood up circling them."Did you or did y


not knowing what to say.They can't possibly tell him that they chased him into the

n't find him but when they open the door which the lady came out from,they saw his

"I know why you didn't succeed ,because y'all are incompetent."He shot the

rd and begin to car

e pointed at Sanai " There's a new mission

he one you gave m

nnifer will ta

ntly. She roll her eyes."Always competing with me.Wanna be faking b

d another thing " What happened? She have always wanted to do the job ,why acting

her,wink and brow a kiss at her before given her her middle finger and tagging alon

aited for Desmond to sit before making use

you in on what happ


ary and beside ,there's no chance to do

have to waste my strength.

men that went after

d."She murthered lowly


lping you out.

someone else to do it or

t to the head ,bang."She said s

t to find out.Especially about the ring on his finger.i want to know how he got a hold on Donahue fam

and you Altansanai is the t


he is and his plan.if possible make him fall for you,that way it would be easy to get him cheap and in our net

?"She asked pretendin

ut ,the heirloom he wore and don't dare tell me you didn't

"she d

eeting is ov


did yo

? " She challenged

aymond interceded dragging her out by

ld man's face when you sho

it over and over again,the..."H

l content of the message. After going through it ,he look

s d

plan.put the seco

ld man,his f

m, he's the Don afterall."He

, for sure he knew mischief filled his slyly boss

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