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Revengeful murder

Chapter 3 Badass

Word Count: 1572    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

he restaurant in search of something only she could tell.Not for too long though ,as she begin to walk to a parti

t aware of the different eyes digging hole on her

ed. "He exclaimed when

herfucker gave

ich she smartly followed his gestures. " That motherfucking asshole, is making things dif

the or

on. "He aren't making this goddamm task easy for me."he scowled "if I touched

king over.Now give me my music while we ruin th

anger,"he whined

fault, you Aren't capable. "Sh

w am still one of the best."He brag, his

ease skip the ego talk and get to the goddamm fucking business. "She orde

e called loudly in a cheerfully drunk vo

o peck at him.When she saw him looking ,she draw her head back and laugh making her breas

m ,he began to sing backing it up with t

ot,he creates a melodious danceable rythm which

nd creamy skin.She dropped the jacket on the headrest of the chair ,stood up and took a seducti

me of the song while she dances losing herself in

s up at every slightest move she made. Her butt wasn't left out as it pushes her mini fl

ts,my b

daddy and

t baby,my

daddy and

for us "He sang drunkenly while she o

began to twerk with a cute innocent smile plastered on her

wine yo

ke your



re and more energy into the song at every minute interval while she dance

r chest and begin to shake it uncontrollably which got the me

hell !they are enjoying it so much that they all channelled

art as they mapped different ways to get her spread out on their bed as they

.But hell! if they aren't thinking dirty about her too. They do from they depth of thei

especially Altansanai who knew ho

d her but she is a demon afterall,come close and be ruined

en laps,y

oom probably to jack off and she smirked evily knowi

on of the restroom and she knew it is time to do her job. she slyly signalled to the man singing w

on her face lik

her jacket and walked to the restroom afte

the place with her eyes. She saw hi

purred taking a slow sensual steps towards the m

sex goddess like you.Dammit girl,You're pack of seduction!.Looking at you makes me cum a

space."I like it when I get p

e you forever while

hat, I planned to do " She

aimed as he lowered his pa

nd pushed her slightly

e from him out of pleasure,he thrust his lower body forward robbing it against hers and urging her to

chicken laps. "She asked, still rolling her waist on h

e is as de

n lost in pleasure ,she stopped causing

honey " she demanded",do you want me to serve you my delicious chicken

ed "i want it,all the

he inquired with

."Very sure baby,I can't wait."He moaned squeezing her b' ' ' 't and trying

it . Hahaha. Even I can't wait

hole place which he thoug

erous aura emitting from her. But he didn't - he wasn't thinking not w

gerously "Don't forget honey ,you asked for it" H

saw an evil smirk on her face but before he could say

e no noise."She shushed him up


ooty banger.

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