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Ex With Benefits

Chapter 4 The Reunion Party 4

Word Count: 1072    |    Released on: 10/07/2022

ker and Cara followed him behind shutting the door, she took the extra key an

she goes to greet Klaus with a kiss on the lips. He mumbled at the sweetness of her lips and

his father's company last year, he was announced one of the top and yo

onaire, he lived like one. He spent his father's money and looked

again and then turned to Richard. "Right Richa

er you gave me a quicker notice, I could spare a night for you guys" he

over at Denise who was

to the new extension and the music played again continuing from where they sto

at glowed in the room were multicolored ones. It was now Nicole could see the excessive decorations made in the

definitely going to enjoy the party. She give a deep sigh trying to take off all

id, don't look like he still has this mu

nd poured into each wine a little portion for the six of them. She gave each of them a glass, Selena, Richard, Nicole, Denise, Klaus and too

on, Cheers" Cara went first and they all clink

dependent, Cheers" Richard ne

y new house, Cheers" Selena grin

ed laughing, his contagious laugh caused everyone to laugh too. In some type of

o cheers too, she had a lot of things to say an

laugh hysterically at her words and her friends joined her laughing too. "Cheers" she said still

ole. Nicole's heart thud as to why he diverted his attention to her. Klaus

r and Nicole couldn't count the million times her heart raced at

ay a word, just as he stared at her, she stared at h

him. He silently hopes he was having an effect o

ff him and looked away as she

s" Selena who watched them, interrupted seeing

tance from me" Klaus rich baritone

" Nicole tried to defend her

now?" Klaus said to her hoping for a

not" s

gh. "I think I'm loving this reunion alrea

him with her hands stretched out extre

to the rest of his friends and s

ignore him for too long

" Nicole repl

ra who sat on Denise lap asked

She replied rolling her eyes. "I just don't w

felt saying that, but Klaus took it

o Nicole...mad

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