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Ex With Benefits

Chapter 5 The Reunion Party 5

Word Count: 1108    |    Released on: 13/07/2022

ered winking at Nicole and she definitely knew what that meant. The whole room r

playing our favorite game, the one we played back then. Truth or drink!" Denise clink his glass with the ring on his finger

her for so long, he figured out she would be doing well for herself though, but he just wante

She fucking ghosted him after their breakup, without

g to come in married? Was she going to come as a mother. Was she going to be so soft with him or she would

but seeing her tonight was a premium fanta

for their

gy, she was not feminine enough. And what he fears most is a woman who has moved her feelings. He could buy all kinds of luxury goods for the women he

s has always been the dominant player in this game, which b

der his control. Just like he had her then! Things might not have changed

to be Dirty, but he really wanted to know how deep Nicole was and if all those shape and curves wa

lly got over him few months back and had - had no time for a new relationship. There

no point. He was just trying to get a topic on her to pick on. She to

again. "That's the simplest question that

d at the face her friends gave her. "I just don't w

ng at her door step for just a

. I drank already. It's my turn now" Nicole said very eager to ask Klaus her own questio

s he opened them and fixed it on her, with his sweet

d to his voice and words but she tried to

your fucking body count" Nicole bit her

"Can I have a calculator here?" He laughed

we dated?" Klaus asked Ni


m, trying to maintain the resounding headache hi

ive years. My bus

Selena jerked Klaus by t

Nicole. More reason w

get into my pants?" Nicole sa

ld get into your pa

uated it!"

ught of it"

ds, he was manipulative, but somehow that made him sexy. On

nd as much as she tried fighting back all the dirty t

arty, with just them! And the only girl he was attracted to was her. She couldn't run for so long, at le

s. As glad as he was to see her, he knew she felt the same and no m

naked, before he gets h

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