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I know the Devil

Chapter 2 A law Tyler kind of bad

Word Count: 1805    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

|A Law Tyle

been pledged to th

gredients worked into the pot was found) per hour, mum would always remind me never to count my chicks until they were hatched but it did sound really stupid, because who had time to count chicks when we were busy counting debts. I was one of the most practical people I know, I didn't dwell on thoughts, sayings or pieces of advice if it doesn't relate to real-life happenings and I hated theories. Rob said it wa

ck. Hurriedly closing it while with my head still down I quickened my steps to the C railway where my Calculus class took place every F

e desk next to me so I could steal a peek, and we were both the only occupant of the whole row which seemed almos

h standard of rich and Gloria was on half scholarship, I think they were Tyler Perry's ri

ingle parent and if in rare cases a single parent, an educated one with children who complained about the smallest

uch she had but yet wasn't aware of and how much I envied her home yet she sighed discontentedly at every little

not in any way the teacher's fault, because I'd tried my best but the girl is damn slow. She wore Chapsticks and a pair of pretty watercoloured sandals. She was making an effort. Sh

atever hand me downs Rob had to spare to have time for th

t birthday, which looked worn out now because literally it was worn out-side every day, my b

that something bad was cooking all the time and he was right, because if our wannabe bimbos with their fake extensions took as much t

grey pools would be clouded with frustration but no, somehow my intelligence was also a curse because it gave me a free wide berth since I could solve all the problems of that particular subject while discussing

knowledge of knowing you had no idea what our middle-aged tutor with peppery hair and kind eyes was talking about. It didn't help that he also had a thick Russi

n to round it up and it had been torturous keeping my idea

another teacher to hate my "sass" and my classmates' snarky comments and reactions that

make a few people crane their necks to see who answered such a peculiar name like mine. Mind you the peculiar in this context doesn't

of mockery that reeked of how creatively incapacitated they were, I adjust

rent, with her lips curled in disdain like the world was under her Gucci sandals, which was agai

translated that Jessica have never met face to face with the word called unavaila

h weren't at all the reason why my breath had hitched and my eyes had widened, but

my head until the plastic disposable cup hit the grou

heir jeer and taunt, then I'll hate myself as tears would burn against my ey

ng unusual happened. Somethin

u troubling

nyone didn't know her name and worst had gotten it wrong, than the obnoxious cocky que

ous, good-looking though the also strangely quiet boy in school, hands tucked in his pocket like he didn't understand why our eyes were wide open in shock and why students who were loitered idly on our hall

ise to entrap you, Grecian nose, sharp jaw and red lips that t


s doub

shocked if he made a deal with the

and why were you about to let Stace

o wrong if the most desired male in a school who doesn't indulge in conversations, dropped infamous oneliners when it was essential and kept to himself, happened to get your nam

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