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I know the Devil

Chapter 5 What is Love

Word Count: 1577    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


f a single soul inh

lie in my theory because as my tummy rumbled and the worms in my stomach loudly protest I could tell jus

y unacceptable, especially during such a wonderful conversation we are ha

probably starred in one too many of their wet dreams and for the girls, she was not a bad sight to behold since she was always on par wi

but she had proven to be different which made me come to only two conclusions, it was either adulthood had dealt he

, even though I'm not so sure about dinner when I get back from school. I'm sure I was as straight as my straight A's. My sexuality was one

of people to murder with my glare as I stood on my fe

knowing it had everything to do with our new

speare classic where two people had died for something as trivial as love,

ion, Ms Bennett?" Ms A

ince the last thing I remembered hearing was an instru

r time have had diversifying opinions about this concept for c

ng I couldn't say that aloud, especially since it would only increase the laught

w more on Ms Anne's face and I couldn't help but anticipate

first time, ghosted everyone and went to only God knows where until Rob

ause it'd brought me into this world. A hatred that Rob had no difficulty having for her nevertheles

. Would beat mom for t

t all the time he had walked in on him

drunk yet mom had wa

Mom who had begged for a not good enough man's love and I had but I knew what it feels like to be lonely, to

o be perfect right as humans? Or were mistakes like th

answer to th

ade me numb to other feelings like the stabbing pain

wo bodies," I made to sit down glad that I was d

narrowed her gaze at someone behind me. "

e same foolish something that had made me take a peek at t

t a dream and I was still a high school student living out a torment sentence every weekday exempting holidays. But, I didn't know what category to fit in Law Tyler's grey eyes. It was certainly not a nightmare because they were no

were like. They were just a pair of eyes for crying out l

smiles but it didn't invoke the normal reaction that it does as I could

, "It is funny because it seems like she had just spewed the word from

ot able to recognize his accent the other day in the lobby. Oh maybe because I was too enthusiastic about leaving him before anyone spotted him with me although I still waited for my

idn't have the guts to crane my neck and gawk at him like the others. I feel like I didn't have the right to that pri

astic but from the little sigh of lust from the corner of the room, I knew the females in the room w

our own opinion that I

ugh I knew if I turn, there would only be that damn boring

and who lends him his boldness? "But I could spare some minutes to further explain the

ble to hide how arrogan

offing and he held my eyes, hi

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