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I know the Devil

Chapter 4 Secret Prayers

Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


unishment for a cri

ld where students give a damn about where a dinosaur's bone was first found in h

on and although I knew I should be taking notes, mentally thinking of how to access my neighbourhood's only library that was out of shape and

gh on my clothes, I could still perceive his unapologetic manl

d me Amelia should convince me that he wasn't in his right senses when he made those bold declarations

en you attend a school and no male has even spared you a second

ways wear my big goofy grin. Rob would always tell me that I was the most beautiful girl he knew and back then though I do shrug and flush brilliantly, turning the shade of his favourite crimson-coloured boots, a part of me knew h

siastic about making new friends but have been met with outright scorn and mocking snickers and at the end of the day when I finally removed my braces and my boobs were finally in nee

straight to the long sized mirror next to my stack of books that was now dusty because of lack of use hence I hardly remembered to clean it and beca

e mirror when I was done. One se

hen lying back on my bed with a thud. Liar liar Law Tyler, I th

woman undesirable in his sight. The reason why he never kept a girlfriend despite the large numbe

the loss was something that he couldn't accept and was responsible for

like Tyler's maybe something public that smelt like death and with an uncomfortable looking bed where we are offered stale food once a day since we can't tell the difference. Because w

her to read the excuse mom had penned down with her poorly written calligraphy and heavily ridden with errors. It

grumbling worms in my stomach didn't have any impact on me or felt nearly as uncomfortable as the way it

ying too hard with his friend Jimmy, I've believed him just like I'd believed Mom. Naive stupid Prudence who couldn't tell that her brother couldn't look her in the eyes and was always s

y she knew that no bakery paid such a huge amount of money just because you stood at a counter and made records and such an amount of money cou

as a pawn that had discovered way too late he was all alone the moment he had been

had cared for the child of the single parent, not Louis who last I heard about him was in London or Roman who still ruled the street and recruited more boys that always meet the same fate as Rob eventually finding out too late that all

s me, the girl who couldn't look at herself in the

rn jeans, I wore mom's hoodie jacket she had have since forever.

completely ignoring my grumbling tummy while looking forward to the cafeteria f

jealously, wishing that their children were in my place knowing that I would have also gawked and be hot in envy if I was in their shoes but if only they knew, then they would be careful of what they wis

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