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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2584    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


nd when I looked into his eyes jet black orbs, I saw nothing, absolutely nothing and the longer I stared into void behind his gaze, I saw it sta

me, holding my face in his gloved hands, he made me look at h


ccent and deep hoarse voice soothing the ache in my h

are here, g

e also seemed to be in and within an instance, he had grabbed me, pulling me up, he turned me a

a hostage and could possibly kill me at any moment, because all that was in my head

urt you, I just need yo

ld as hostage and for that, they stood by, staying ready to launch when given the chance while a voice came through their speaker asking for the bank robbers to let me go, trying to negotiate a safe way to get me into their reach but the man holding me was not giving in, threatening to blow my brains out, he demanded that th

ngside the bike I was on, every so often bringing the gun to my head to keep the cops off of our tail and honestly, I don��t even know how they managed to escape the cops but somehow they did it and somehow I was still numb as everything

roundings and taking notes of every sign, I tried to figure out where it was that they were taking me and during this, I considered jumping off of his bike but he was riding too fast and we were on a highway, if I jumped off now, I��d fall to my death, I��d either die on impact or another bike or car would run me over, I had zero chance of survival this way and so, for the time being, all I could do was wait and l

e cop car but even with one, I had managed to find hope that they��d be able to catch these guys and save me but my hopes fell apart just as fast as they had came because now the man on the bike I was on was leaning and reaching over me with a gun in his hand, shooting towards the cop car, busting thei

ausing him to lose control of his bike and before I knew it, he was swerving around until the bike launched and knocked both of us off and as we fell, I couldn��t breathe while my body scraped across the rough ground but what caught my attention wasn��t the fact that I

nd then it hit me, he was injured, hearing the painful groans escaping his throat, I turned and looked towards him, pulling the visor of his helmet up, I tried to give him some fresh air to breathe


to calm him down but as I looked into his dark eyes, I noticed that he was more

e branch that had went straight through him and was now sticking out of his abdomen, it had even pierced through his clothes an

o that if they were caught, it would be only one of them and not all of them but the other guys were refusing to leave him here and so t

guys just

nd surprisingly they all wen

If we pull the branch out of him, it��ll cause him to bleed out even more, this branch is the only t

ot to their base so quickly. Though it looked more like a holiday home. Right in the middle of no where near the mountains, deep within the snowy jungle, there was this awfully large completely glass based buildin

aid kit? Do you have antis

clearly they were clueless on what to do with the guys injury and so they stood around me,

doctor because I was afraid, this was worse than I had thought and truthfully, I had no experience in these things, the

, you need to take

he went to the hospital he would be instantly caught by the police so he wa

at you can,

linch and so, I closed my eyes, took a dee

is is going

e to waste so I sprayed over his wound before telling the others to lay him on his side on the floor

g the thread in the needle was the worst part of it all, I managed to stitch the open wound on his back but when I moved to his front and went to switch needles so that I wasn��t using the same one just in case, I just couldn��t get the read in the needle, with my hands shaking while I tried to keep myself composed, I just couldn��t seem to ge

m up, I finished the wound on his abdomen and then sprayed some more antiseptic over his wounds b

e know his b

o bring me whatever medical things they had like an IV, they thankfully had it for moments like this, I decided that, I would transfer my blood

egan to do the process of transfe

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