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Enough For Him

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

When mum saw her two children together helping each other out she

ecause of our parent's divorce. It wasn't easy but when we matured and understood mo

at meant we lost our communication but when we got

as he fixed my mirror to the wall. Mum stood at

iving him

ma, I have to leave at 7 th

this. Since when does

the table up and you both come down" I

e were both here was something

er and walked dow

out Jayson," George asked me


t him see Jayson, I'm not going to stop Leon from seeing his son. Maybe I ca

h being a father so I knew that I had

e wore a condom like a real man you

red a

y son and he is the greatest gift so keep your

ays coming over to me and wrapp

ownstairs tore us apart and we

you wanted he was your first true love so it's going to be hard"

eorge's sar

t money and sex" Mom whack


an finally start enjoying life

don't have to worry about little jay it'll give me

y because I didn't let

um. Since George is 5 years older than me we al

boy is

who's this date with

at related" he blurt

mum starts to say only t

out babies till much later" he says

hildren by the time she'

ing old with children isn't all great" mum explai


e," he said looking at his phone

r his h

a long. She came back down and sat with me. My boy showe

en when Leon would come home tired and

ust wasn't home long enough t

ing again" mum asked me

ht about my writing n

rking at an event and meeting a old man who

ig writer I just wanted

I haven't h

age you had such high expectations big dreams I stru

successful book brought in a lot of money and tha

bly the one who wanted me to do more. But he was so busy with his

ne to our family but i won't stoop low and blame hi

ess" she said picking up our pl

I kn

son feeding him and prep

. I had just lifted him in my ar

t be careful he's a mover

u and your brother for years I can handle thi

x. I poured myself a glass of

ng up. The countless mes

d calls

r the fuc

to listen to m

ou, I ne


oing to have to

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