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Enough For Him

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1879    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

the park with Jayson. I believe that

d I knew she had a dinner part

out, "I said strapping

the pram to be very

rk. As soon as I arrived little girls came

it what

says laughing. I looked over and rightly so Jayson wa

misses you,"

m and I knew when they were older they would be great candidates

round with Jayson. Jay being the ladies

trouble when he

surrounded by children. The only problems they woul

life was

st a black Mercedes. When he knew that I saw him he made his way over.

id as Leon sat beside me, a l

d in his seat when his eyes met L

motioning for Leo

d him in his arms. He waved Jayson

. Knowing that we can never b

re," I asked him as he

ng to answer me calls I'm going to have to

recently. Seemed to have slipped h

work an agreement on when you c

n't happy wit

" he said turning to me. I moved awa

n I almost s

r you want" surely he would welcome that opportunity becau

have ended this." he blurted, grabbing my arm. not in

s is to

o him finally

flirted with her at all your functions. Feeding this bullshit that I

ow glari

," he said watchin

shouting in public like th

fight for our family" that's it guilt trip me into it.

tting ready to go. I only want

en't far behind. We're bound to

decency to leave me before getting in bed with another

o face to the front in

ext, you make me feel guilty even though you're the one a

e feel sorry for him. He deserved

g the stupid tear that had fa

and this is wha

cked everything and sat Jayso

changed drastically. Maybe I should get back to writ

and relax and enjoy a book that I had bought quite a long time ago.

ally had a family lawyer but that was mainly for

a lawyer. Maybe I could confide in her and g

time pass by. It wasn't long before it was time to feed Jayson and I would a

in my life just too much. There are only certain things I want to share

e to complain about having both me and Jayson over. she di

ed I proceeded to pack a small bag

before packing everything into a car and leavi

I was actually closer to her which I'm sure she enjoyed in compariso

job to carry in the bags from the back as

o much attention for

eived a phone call from Leon. I had tried to ignore his calls all t

anging up and probably leaving him fuming. if there's one thi

st finds it disrespectful and if I were a

n't ca

rom the phone as I placed it face down on t


ised she even picked up so the fact that she h

ttempting to look like she was working but I knew for a fact t

an intense atmosphere going around in all areas.

behind her back i had lied to her about it and one t

ying with t

ocked it means I didn't want to be d

from me ever since Liz came in and h

or someone to help me run it, keep it successful and bring fresh new ideas. That's what I

i was used to but i had managed to

and i loved her for that but that also meant that there was less time f

at bars and fancy restaurants I felt extreme guilt k

for. when i was younger and i had just met Liz her father wasn't a

t we loved and cherished each other. That we weren't throwing our life away.

ed tha

hand in the hospital room right before she gave birth to my ver

nd even if it killed me I would do everything

er it

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