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His Puppet

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 3238    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

my night would be going, but here I am. To try to get an understanding of what the heck I'm talk


n of milk sat on the shelf, I don't get why people when they're finished with something pu

xplains pointing to the carton of milk in my h

aim walking over throwing the carton in the bin

on his face still staring at the tv, I knew

dge and B, at least drink it all!" I shout throwing my arms in the air, he just shrugs his shoulders brushing me off, well we've lost contact now as he's gone back

e going out but I've been wanting scrambled eggs for days, and the day I'm al

ask from the door, he just waves his hand at me again his eyes

ighbour also walking out of his

s he closes his door, I send him a smile star

t to come up, I roll my eyes remembering what ju

to venture out into the wild at 10 pm to get some," I explain as the doors open, he la

least one person is siding with me about the carton rule "Layla's just the same" he smiles talking about his

smiles walking to the huge bins outside, I smile

e confused shaking his head, he dumps the

the building sending me a wave, I send one bac

rner shop wasn't far away but I didn't want to catch a chill. I pass a few people going about their journeys sending a few of them a little smile, everyone needs one of them sometimes. I finally see the corner shop at the end of the street

uick smile heading towards the milk section to finally get my milk to make scrambled e

ilk back walking to the side to see what the commotion was when I see

o be seen, my phone vibrating in my pocket makes me quickly pull

there?" He asks, I take another look to see where the men

th guns, please you need to get help" I whisper down

t this moment I felt like throwing my phone but tha

look at the men one was missing, the shorter one w

I was frozen from fear,? the guy rips

miles evilly dropping the phone, roughly taking me by the

another guy that came in after me, the small guy holds the gu

s,? I quickly nod scared fo


sing milk, annoying boyfriend and crazy short robber guy. What a grea

shout at Rick. The girls baby was just crying uncontrollably, with all the shouting she must have woke

me, I hold my hands up in surrender once

utter, does this guy need to show

ace around the shop floor for a little while, his eyes looking over the group than down and som

k behind just to make sure he was definitely wantin

my hands still up in surrender, I didn't want them to think I was gonna try som

ut I was terrified, these people could do anything to u

a" small robber guy speaks up from behind tall robber dude

ds me, he looks down at the woman and her baby then back at me "take the baby," he s

ding her baby tightly, there is no way I'm gonna take

the clock "times ticking," he smiles again with his arms crossed, I look down to the woman who was on t

he small crying child, I hold her in my arms

ack Amelia "I promise, I won't let anything happen to her" I whis

ing, tall guy clicks his finger pointing down to the space beside him. I slo

g his arm on my shoulder, the dude just nods

mutters fully resting his hand on my shou

rd from outside, yes the police gonna come and save us, this little ba

the floor "you're gonna follow me into a car that's parked outback, you're not gonna fight me or I'll just have to ta

but there was no way I was gonna leave this baby with

onna be okay? Why has he chosen to take an innocent baby with him? I hope Blake is okay and helps the police find me, and

yone and he was too focused on the door that maybe he wouldn't notice, but I hesitated and he managed to boot the door open, the cold night air filling the room. He turns back around guiding me out the door where a black car was parked, from the little alley you could see loads of blue flashing li

lp you," he says, the way he spoke was entirely different to before,

I slowly allow him to help me into the car. Once I'm in he closes the door than shouts obviously to his f

y for us to get out of here," I whisper boun

ormally down the street where we just blend in. Behind us were a bunch of police cars blocking the other side of the road. I'm so close to freedom but yet so far and I'm actually getting further away from it, once we

ts from the front, I look down at the baby I didn't know ho

me! tall robber dude leans over to the front opening th

tting back holding a pink dummy in his hand, I take it from

il we pull up at what looked like an

the tall guy says to the small guy gettin

ler one says getting out the car, leaving the two bags on the front seat closing the

andoned, it was like any other normal house. Tall guy closes the door hanging his coat up acting so cool about the fact he just kidnapped two people! The sm

at all tonight "put the baby on the bed, don't worry she'll be okay," he says walking around the room fixing things, I

n beats a woman who just had his kid?" He says which makes me freeze

my baby and I only met you like an hour ago," I say finally building up the

front of me, I start to shake again once again being terrified! I look behi

et," he says trapping me, I stare up terrified at him not knowing what to say, think or do "your old life is over this is your new one, you're gonna play along with

cheek with his finger, this just got weird and highly uncomfortable "I'll leave you to settle in with the baby to be named la

e, he says something like "perfect" then walks out the room closing the door behind h

about milk and now, I'm stuck here wit

even get my s

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