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His Puppet

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 3838    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

ust trying to come up with an idea to try to leave this place, but my mind always drew a blank. Has anyone ever been put in a situation like this before it seems so weird? Amelia starts

er up in my arms her b

us to get out of here but you're just gonna need to trust me," I whisper not wanting those robber guys

and, did he just have one of those laying around? This d

y need to think of a name for her,it's been a while" he smiles looking down at her, she already has a name! Maybe I c

at the baby thinking "I just think she looks like one" I s

? yes I can't believe that actually worked, I must be good at

that might be the same as yours?" I ask, good thinking Freya you're get

w and did it in a very clever way if I do say so myself "do you have a middle name?" He asks I freeze

e she actually starts to drink it, he mus

to get as much information as I possibly could, so I cou

orning, it isn't too far away," he explains looking down at the baby, I a sm

ive. As soon as I get the chance I'm working out where that house is, so I can work out how far out we are from the town. Now I know his full name, when I get

ired then go back to looking out the window "then go get some sleep, don't worry I can sort her out," he suggests causing me to freeze, I mean I

rinks this," he pushes for me to sleep, I nod not wanting to ha

the bed feeding Amelia. I thought it would take me ages to fall asleep as

o her. I get up walking to the window, I could fully make out the street now this could be our chance. I slip my shoes on picking Amelia

manage to make her a bottle, the thing that took most of the time was figuring out how to make the bloody thing! I pick the bottle up and was just about to walk out the back

nto the little kitchen, I look down at

n my foot, the floors here don't seem well looked after," I try to explain thinking on the spot, he looks at me for

rry, just lay her relaxed in your arms," he tells me moving my arms to hold Amelia, okay I've never handled a baby this much before "now just

a head out," he says, I just nod looking down at Amelia. I need to find a way out of this somehow but I just don't know

bags anywhere," he says leaning on his knee

holding ink by the scruff of his neck, I knew I didn't

r last night," I say which makes them both t

isn't there long, he literally bolts

know what I would have done to him if you didn't step in" he smiles down

bags smiling, it took him that long to find them th

e a good eye Freya" he smiles towards me, I

d sort the contents," he says pushing ink into the kitchen are

a minute to help you dress Amelia" he smiles, I nod standing up walking

he wouldn't be long and there's no way I'm letting him watch me change. I

ctually something I'd pick out myself "and to finish of the look," he says getting something out his back pocket holding it up, it was a wedding ring. When I don't move he

ing them to him but he shakes his head takin

er in any way, after a few minutes she was fully dressed "see it isn't hard once you know how to do it" he smiles picking her up handing her over to

saying to wait here before he and ink leave the room. I place Amelia down running to the bathroom wh

where he's taking us but a man called Anthony Richards won't let us leave, he's crazy he

uld only see a bit of the paper sticking out, I quickly pick Am

bags pushing me out the room and down the stairs,

all, it was abandoned just like the rest of the house, h

ignores, he walks me over to the car opening the back door

u it" he says smacking his hand off the car door, ink

now get out of my face," he says holding a gun u

says still holding the gun up to the guy, I nod gently placing her in the car seat strapping her in as ink starts shouting at

n the back as I finished strapping the baby in, Anthony quick

he road "slow down or you'll draw attention to us, it did go okay with you right?" Antho

now I was being a snitch but these people kidnapped me I'm not taking anyone's si

Amelia up, I quickly slip her dummy in her mouth as Antho

down there before he pushes ink away so they were out of my eyeshot. I sit there for a second but it hits me I'm alone I have a chance to run with Amelia, I go to open my door but it's locked no way did he use child lock on me! I was about to climb in

goes to the boot, I hear what sounds like water hitting the ground but before I co

he says turning the car on but I soon realise we're missing

ond before turning his attention back to the roa

d his hands with water before he even entered the car, what if he was washing the blood off his hands? Okay Freya calm down, I mean h

d Blake just found out about the note I left and was demanding answers from the police, apparently, they were so afraid of him well that's what I've been told don't think that's true, I mean the only

just wanted everything to go back to normal because right now he felt like he was living in a bad dream that he wasn't waking up from. Amelia's pare

und a note," Blake says looking back at them,? they'

we have a right to know," Amelia's dad Tony says, which just makes

was found we have a right to know," Blake says smashing his hand on the desk in anger, making the poor guy jump back from shock "did she tell you who has them captive and you don't wan

ances we found the note in," the officer says br

nnoyance at the officer standing by the door, he sighs

melia's parents, who were silent through this whole thing, look at eac

open, Blake stood with his arms crossed putting on a tough act

one held a gun to his head" the officer starts but Bl

inpatient to hear what the guy had to say, another offi

lake didn't even go to speak he had a feeling this young girl was his lost girlfriend "the women didn't look up or speak, the guy ignored him and opened the back door calling her Freya, when the man said if they d

name in the note we found, we just need you to verify if this is indeed Freya

wrote him a note with her number saying to call him, he's always kept it. He pulls the little not

can have it back maybe tomorrow, now back to what happened, after he pulled the gun out our guy ran off but hid around the corner, a few minutes later another man walked out who was identified

his address and get him?" She asks thinking

d tell you this will all be over soon but I would be lying, we're dealing with some clever criminals," the officer says which makes Kate start to cry again, hearing the

jump. The lead officer man was right, this was gonna take a long while and things got crazy

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