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His Puppet

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 3269    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

is he sleeping through that? Amelia starts to cry in her coat beside me which finally woke him up, so he d

e from sleep, he jumps out of bed taking a h

ut of bed trying to comfort a scared Amelia who I managed to get to fa

ony asks angrily the sound of the door slamming fills the

living with a killer,? I hope "so did you get rid of Freya and whatever the kids name is?" He asks, wow what a nice way to talk about people

cate and finally got Amelia registered" Anthony replies in a dumb like tone, I l

scanning the room once more, I make the short journey over to the last door where I saw a little bathroom with a shower, i look back at Amelia as she wiggled in her coat and over to what I think was called a bouncer. I'm pretty sure it's not safe to leave a baby unattended but I could take the bouncer in with me

before walking over to the mirror looking at myself. I scan the counter for a brush to try to tame my locks as

a hairbrush "I'll go out in a bit to buy you some stuff as I know you left it all behind when we moved, but here you can borrow mine" he smil

y every move. It doesn't take me long to finish brushing my hair where he comes up behind me reaching up into the storage

th excitement over the toy she was playing with, Anthony continues t

, I didn't resistor what he says at first but it soon hits me causing me

e of those guns pointed at my head back at the shop, they must keep them somewhere "I'll go down and see what he actually wants, all your clothes are in the walk in wardrobe back in the room" he explains looking at me through

ing at the kitchen table holding an ice pack to his face, he doesn't notice me at first b

with me, I've walked into a pole before my face never turned

aving a cut like that exposed, he looks up like he was gonna say yes but Anthony's

e he spots I was standing there with Amelia "I see you're both ready to start the day, I was just helping Ink sort all the tools down in

really bad" I say walking a bit closer to ink whose eyes qu

thinking on the spot for an excuse, the blood starts to drip onto the k

gest looking over at Anthony who looks at Ink than back at me, he nods walking ov

alk passed him and open the first aid kit making sure to put gloves on, I pull out the things I need and start to get to work trying to help Ink, this has to be the worst inquiry I ever dealt wi

the mood, he just says a quick yeah going back to being silent "why do people call you ink?"

o dip in ink?" He asks me looking over with a smile, I nod saying quills he nods continuing "well I leant back in my chair when the chair moved and I fell, on the way down I tried to grab hold of so

y the smile not leaving his lips as he explains "everyone called me inky for the rest of the school year that by the end the name ink just stuc

someone would address her by her actual name, it felt so weir

ing about at first" he laughs giving me his name, yes my plan work

e needs to head out to pick something up, Anthony tells him to wait as he m

I just nod looking down as he continues "if you ever need to talk or ask me anythi

to get back to him on, Ink gives me a weird look as Anthony walks back out the basement handing

ms which acts like a barrier but I didn't have that. He moves a little closer to me as I take little ste

ing over to open the fridge but found it basically empty, wait does this guy eat? I haven'

ind me stating the obvious, wait he wants to take me too, that means other peop

igh walking over to him reluctantly taking his hand in mine "please, I've been stuck in doors for days now, I want to have

ut to the shop" he says with a smile, I say thank you g

r us to have" I smile walking away from him to head back

something, before we left I wrote on a little piece of paper explaining what's happened hoping I'd be able to give it to someone to help me. Once we arrive at the shop he places Amelia in one of those baby trolley things, taking my hand pulling me to walk clo

elve which I knew was my last chance to get help, I place my hand on Amelia's dummy holding it in my ha

ing the dummy up off the ground, on the way up I slyly take the little note out

s pocket and see my note, if he does he would have to give it to th

obably not gonna even notice it but he looks to the floor picking it up. He opens the note reading through it as Anthony unlocks the car placing the

ng his hand on my shoulder, he had got

ening the car door looking back at the sh

but that plan with the note was a pretty smart idea, and the guy actually did ring the police and hours later Bl

range to him they always arrive before him. Immediately Jacob walks out the door calling to Blake to come through

anyone to tell him that he already knew "a few hours ago we got a call from a supermarket, saying a member of staff found a note addressed from the one


d captive by a man called Anthony Richards. He's allowed me to go shopping with him so this was my only chance to ask someone for help, he

hear the words that Freya wrote, but Jacob wasn't finished "we checked the secu

nd to land near the worker. As she turns to pick it up Freya's face lights up the screen where she kneels down to pick whatever it was up, you could miss

is desk looking towards Blake,? who's eyes didn't leave Freya's face on screen, he was so proud of her for everything she was doing and couldn't wait until he was able to be with her again "we're gonna find her Blake

won't tell you about that yet or I'd be skipping parts of the story. Things were about to turn ugly for me and

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