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The Beast Within

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 665    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

uld go mom.'' Luc

t my baby girl.'' S

's good

y baby girl to go into that barbaric game. D

Nina wanted to try it. Right Nina?'' Ni

is consisted of wild natured werewolves.'' Lucy

love. Please mom. Please.'' Amanda was silent for a while...She

a begged, Amanda sighe

one thing...I want you to choose? someone

s all you gonna say?''

ith Blue eyes.'' Amanda said sh

und today?'' Nina shook her. She didn'

with me?.'' Lucy aske

bout my

r sister.'' Nina nodded and followed Lucy. When t

ne.'' Lucy said br

your second chance.'' She said to Nina. Nina felt bad for her mother... She had no one now t

f and maybe....Find a second chance in Happiness. She got

ill be a lot of guys who's getting hooked by her. You know mom.

his is where her father brought her whenever she's feeling down. As a kid her father was so

s. While she was waiting she caught a scent. A scent of cinamon and Vanila but that smell was covered in a very strong

ing Nina. Nina grab her spoon and t

eam. The two shared some topics about school and everything until they fi

this pack?'' The two looked c

cy asked concerned then she

...Of when there family is still complete...of when she gave birth to her first born and of when she

ate...When my real Mate reject

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