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The Beast Within

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 950    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

house since it's the former Luna and Alpha's aniversary and to

' Lucy said while dri

the danglings of jewels in her neck that i simpl

th? other babies? Or are you even sur

too.'' Amanda said shaking her head

It's way nicer.'' Nina had no idea how could her mom act so norma

t hurt?'' Sh

....But what can we do? Instead of grieving...we choose to give our sel

ving because life is more than just loving someone. It also means loving your sel

appings of hand when Damien stands

d shed pack take you Alejandra W

and as your mate Alpha Damien Collins.'' After that the crowd cheere

that Nina felt a chain broke from inside of her. Amanda a

woods and shifting her wolf whimpered in pain. But now that they accept

her sister's know. And there lays a grand tree... the last of the moon tree... it was believed that under that tr

ecame someone who is greater than what you are now. I know you can't take the pain. But listen to me...

d.'' Was a

is not your time.?This

make it

hrough and i'll be t

it was already morning. Standing up she quickly run to he

are you?'' Nina shifted back to

didn't wait for an answer and went upstair to ta

o say.'' Her mother said exci

t wait?'' Amand

'' Lucy sighed and stared at

d chance mate....A

st. I know.'' Lu

?'' Lucy asked. Ni

r location away. And she s


d a knock from there door. Amanda ea

morning.'' Amanda sm

chair and greeted Misandrist. Nina on the other hand went to the backyard to take a walk in the woods... while she was wal

ead to see Mason. He was looking at her with hu

.'' He said Hugg

en?'' He kissed Nin

e. Nyx and Eris are doing good t

sed you so much.'' Mason

ve much time. I'm here to give you

oon...i love you.'' After th

envelope and r

a W

the years Mating Hunt.

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