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Chapter 5 More Duties

Word Count: 6068    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

carried them over to my chest of drawers a

d let me look a

ound and cupped my buttocks while he nibbled on my neck. He rubbed his fingers down

tiful, you kn

ugh it off, saying, "I thi

to my eyes. He kissed me gently on the li

for an answer. "Everyone but you can see it. You didn't ev

sir," I said, trying

eryone was looking at my boy, wanting him and knowi

at him. "You didn't ask me to

ass hard enough

boy from the moment you wacked off while your nose was buried in my dirty underwear. You sea

an to look for my shorts. Jason grabbed my waist and held me tight against him

loud voice, "Come in.

around in his arm and turned my erection away from the door. Jason looked down and c

e my face, but it was the very cute Latino boy we'd passed in the hallway earlier. His name was Alonzo, and he

trailed off, unable to take h

he young man in the doorway.

out of the room. In the end, he stepped forward and took Jason's

ling feisty. He turned m

boy, Kiera

my humiliation would have shrunk my erection, but apparently my body didn't know t

my nakedness, but he was a real trooper. He looked up

very light brown, like coffee with a lot of milk. I could tell he was blushing despite his darker skin. His eyes

s we need but when we get back, we should get together. I'll pick up some beer and we can order pizza." Jason stared deep into Alonzo's eyes. I could tell that he was appr

called Jason sir. "I mean. Sure thing. I'll let Erik know. W

r. Alonzo left. Jason put his mouth to my throat and said, "How much do you want to

d the drawers and pulled out a pair of knit shorts that I often

are kind of boring, you know. It's like

ing enough. I usually only wore them to the gym since they were only si

leave the room," he said. "Besides, I'm go

g with another pair of silk boxers. He took one of his many spray bottles and spritzed them all. I could smell the cologne he wore. It smelled nice, but it didn't have the

ut what was next. Other than making me drink his piss, Jason hadn't asked me to do anything that I hadn't liked. I dropped my shorts

son said. I climbed up and sat cr

shoes off

ed in running clothes. I reached out and took hold of his shoe. I untied

t first,

't smell bad, but I could smell sweaty feet mixed with Jason

face and take a deep

the funky, slightly sour smell of his feet. It was like a jolt of electricity went through my body, from nose straight down to my di

breaths, then move on to my other foot," he said. When I had

of my feet, boy," he said. "We'll make

g cock like

to do the same thing with his socks. Of course, I obeyed without question. By this time, I had grown as hard as I had when he'd sprayed my dick last night. I felt like I was go

gave me the command I knew was coming. "Lick my fee

hands. My fingers were as stiff and cold as ice,

ing first," he said. "I can see from your dripping penis that yo

eally know where to begin, how to organize my thoughts. I knew m

just your feet, though. They're strong and muscular; I can feel all the muscles beneath the skin. The skin is smooth. Your toenails are clean.

ke my body ha

hat sticks out at weird angles. Your body hair is different. It's

his man. If he doesn't, it's because he's not trying hard enough." He

d each toe into my mouth individually and washed it with my saliva. The pressure continued to build in my erection. I'd knelt on the bed to have a better angle for working on his feet. While I was licking the right foot, I felt Jason's left foot touch my

n't mean to do it." I don't know why I was almost crying. I felt

oking yourself or rubbing yourself you aren't doing anything wrong." I took a few deep breaths to colle

sn't mad. He was smiling. "It's a compliment to me, you know," he said. "My boy loves my body so

tle thing". It was a little above average in

thought it would take you longer to get to this state." He smiled that warm

t in my mouth. I sucked his finger greedily. I liked the taste of hi

ing himself back onto the bed. "Take o

leaner somehow. When I moved to his armpit, that all changed. The scent became overwhelming, even more so than on his feet. With the first taste, I felt my penis throb and give a little spurt again. Since I was straddling his body; I could see that it dropped on

gh to clean up another small pool of my cum. I was dripp

enty minutes licking his balls, his pubic bush, and the area where his inner thighs met his pelvis. That was the place where the taste was strongest. I dropped my biggest pool of spunk yet while cleaning his groin. Now that Jason had given me permiss

doubt that he was the boss in our relationship. I had always been competitive on the track field and in the pool, but I decided that I liked to let Jason be in charge. It gave me a thrill to let him have his way wit

the bed. When Jason decided that it

you cleaning me up after our runs is that I get hard as a rock. I was

him like a lovesick boy following his lover. I didn't resent it all. I wished that he'd give me a proper orgasm,

that bed for more about an hour and a half. "Time well spent," I thought. Jason grabbed a towel and a washcloth

e toilet was a bathroom sink and a wall mounted mirror. Other than the full-length mirror that covered the back of our suitemates room, that was it. Two of us fit in the bathroom at the same time. Up to six could fit at

ick my hand in it. It was warmer than

wer," he said. "Memorize it. It will be o

is the soap I make. You will be able to use this one since all it does it cleanse your skin. It has no scent

o toe. Then you will take care of any of my needs such as

slyly, "I guess that means that

o cum at all." He said it as if it were a

Then I rinsed it out so that I could use it to wash the soap off his face. After that, I moved down his body. I washed his chest, arms, abdomen and back. Then I washed his groin and his ass. I have to say that Jason had the most perfect ass I'd ever seen. It was firm, round and seemingly made of solid muscle. I really wanted to stroke it

"Shower first, then y

lly his feet, but my lips were tingling with the anticipation of taking his cock in my mouth. As s

ied. He smiled like something he was ant

and forcing it, but I was determined to try. I noticed that his cock had no flavor right after I had washed it. Don't get me wrong. I loved sucking it. I could kneel in front of him and hold his cock in my mouth al

pill a drop." I did not want to do this again, but Jason gave me no choice. I could feel his warm, acrid p

u're being a good and obedient boy for your man. I'm proud of y

ed me under the spray to rinse the soap off. As he lathered up my chest and arms, he kissed me, exploring my mouth

g sure to gently knead my testicles as he soaped them, then he moved the cloth

for you, boy. I'm going to clean your penis. I'm going to be thorough, but you are no

of my penis. When I felt his firm grip on my cock, my kne

g to cum!

my balls hard

anding tone. "If you cum right now, I'll take y

breath grew faster and shallowe

n't stop it! I can'

replied. "Do it becaus

ght of my aunt's pinched face; I thought of getting hit in chest wit


sprayed the uncomfortably warm water right my cock and balls. The stinging sensation brought me back f

ir," I mumble

well, boy" he mumbled against my th

hought for a moment that he was going to take my cock in his mouth. Instead, he

turned off the water and grabbe

letely dry, he took the towel and used it on me. He dried every part of me, slowin

id, fingering mine. It will take us a li

d said, "But I don't

mean you didn't wear your hair long. I w

u also forgot to say sir. You forgot twice whil

k, be sure to add a complimentary adjective like beautiful, big, or manly. I am your man. Tha

him off balance before he could throw up more barriers. It was time to introduce a little discipline into their relationship to reinforce their rol

le consequences. Your first choice is that I will give you 50 swats with my hand, 10 for each infraction. Your second choice is that I will give you 5 swats

n his leg. He could tell that I was excited despit

at are you going to

ong, and it hurt like hell. It also pres

or you, and it will be option three. I will record

knew that I wasn't prepared to take 50 sw

of me lying across Jason's lap. It was taken from behind and above. He must have put a camera up there. He fiddled with the controls some more and the computer screen showe

warned. I saw the record lights go on the corner of ea

ed my back and looked straight at the co

are you

I'll be 19 before t

o a

e Jaso

going to be

he rules y

es did yo

orgot to call you sir. Then I

did you forget


getting to call me sir four more times." My heart sank

ats have you

t sank a little. "Nine, sir," I

t count them out loud or if you forget to call me sir, that swat won't count. I'm going to use my hand to give you swats today. I'm doing this because I thi

getting rea

and back and landed a perfect smack on my

his time on the other c

hadn't been spanked in years. I only ever had crossed my uncle once. After he'd tanned my hide, I kn

ick in my throat. My face was tur

What had begun as a tickle had now become an aching pressure. Without warning, a fourth blow landed. I bucked like

sped. My eyes gre

e next door, along with the muscular blond up the hall who'd told Jason to tap my ass this morning. I ha

And six, sir

lug and sent it plunging into my prostate. My cry this time was pain mixed with plea


blow landed, I cried for real. Actual tears poured out of eyes and my nose began to run. I came again, a steady stream. The worst part wa


ys anticlimactic. The pressure in my dick was going

e of relief that I

see tears in my eyes and snot running out of my nose. I resolved never

own and licked the tears from my eye. Then he gave me a hug. I let myself collapse in his

r, boy," and he used

and it glistened with gobs of cum. I could feel more under my butt. I had drenched Jason's legs. It was that damn plug in my as

enjoyed your spanki

if I failed to respond, so I

about his hair, I had a reason that would seem logical enough to my boy. I'd wanted to smack his ass from the mom

naive little boy. I almost came myself. He had a lot to learn, a lot of growing to do. He would learn so much about himself. So, would I. The though

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