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Chapter 2 Dinner and Wine

Word Count: 3283    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

date. I couldn't figure him out. It was Friday evening, and I was heading to a restaurant with a guy who seemed interested in me. I had never been on a date. Jason turned on

d he may not have known that I had masturbated into t

taking chances and risking my reputation before classes ever began. The scent was lighter here, like the clothes in his drawer, not overwhelming like it had been on his dirty boxers.

as embarrassed about my own poverty, but I had to say something. There was no way that this place w

It's my treat," he said. I started to respond, but he

rs and led me into the restaurant. As went through the door, I felt his hand slide down my back and across my butt. My breath caught in my throat. Jason's mesmeri

Jason must have made reservations. It was the kind of restaurant where there were no prices on the menu. We loo

admit that I didn't know because I'd never tr

f small lobster), grilled halibut and a pasta with lemon butter and capers. Jason ordered some sort of mine

e 1960s. They'd made their living as naturopathic healers. His father still ran the family business but had invested wisely in the stock market. That's where they made the

nto the family business but felt obligated to understand it. He was studying business so he could find

move in with my uncle and his family. My uncle was a minister who never tired of preaching to me about original sin. My aunt was a sour-faced woman who made a show of being the best of wives and mothers in public but tur

but I feared that it wasn't practical enough. I told him that I was taking

ss the table and put his hand on mine. Looking me straight in

I hope you're not one of those guys who spend all the

ended that sex and sexuality didn't exist for me. I wanted to scream my denial and to hide myself away, but I couldn't. Jason's eyes were boring s

s always preaching to me about sin and a

let me in. I like you. Not only are you beautiful, your smart. I can tell from talking to

rry," I stammered. "I don't k

me a little, like he was cutting away all my defenses. "It's

hought he must be. He'd clearly taken me on a date to a fancy restaurant and was treating me like his girlfriend. I wasn't completely comfortable with his behavior. I did

must have looked as shocked as I felt because I stopped and stared, mouth agape. Jason gave me that stern look of his. "Do it," he said. "You owe me a pair

en Jason open the vial and pull a small swab from the bottle, wipe it along Kieran's fork and put it back into the bottle. He shook the bottle and watched the tr

a public restroom with a hard drippy cock, I rushed into the stall and stood there trying to piss through my iron hard cock. It took several minutes fo

en hesitated. I wasn't really going to take my underwear off just because Jason had told me to ... was I? I thought again of his scent. I thought of his

off, then took off my boxer briefs. I pulled my pants back up, thankful that I had button fly

e were really going to do the whole date thing and share a dessert. If we had ordered a big plate of spaghetti for dinner, we could have reenacted the Lady and the T

ered in my ear. He pushed in my chair and then held out his hand.

to him. He sat them down on one of the empty chairs and then pushed it in. You cou

nd on my thigh. My cock was hard and dripping again. I could feel my jeans beginning to get damp. Once we were finished, Jason called the waitress

each date. At the car, he opened my door and helped me in before closing it and running around to his side to get behind the wheel. He'd been a real gentleman tonight. It took me a while to notice that we were

, no one else was back there. Jason bought popcorn and bottled water. While we were watching the movie, he put his arm around my shoul

oved along my thigh, his left hand squeezed

too, Jason

ld smell Jason's strange musky scent, a combination of whatever cologne he was wearing and his natural body odor. But it was more than that. His lips felt so good on mine. His tongue darted into my mouth and took posse

to be my boy,

I moane

y boy." He moved his lips to my neck and bit dow

rection, iron hard and throbbing beneath my fingers. He opened the zipper on his pants. My fingers wormed their way inside his boxers. I fished his co

"Blow me. Put it in your m

groin. I reached out my tongue and was rewarded with his taste. I skinned back his foreskin and kissed the moist head of his cock. It was soft and spongy. I opened my lips and took the head into my mouth. He gasped a little as my teeth grazed his shaft. I ope

uld hear him. "Don't try to take it all yet. That will come later. Just

sack, softly caressing his balls. I slid my right hand down and began to massage my own throbbing penis through my jeans. I had just unbuttoned one

Jason moaned louder than I was moaning. I was sure that the couple in the next row could hear him. They must have known what we were doing. I felt Jason's thighs begin to tighten and his scrotum grew tig

ause of the taste of Jason I'd had from his boxers. On the other hand, Jason's cum, fresh from the source so to speak, was delicious. At least

ue out. It could barely be seen in the light reflecting off the movie screen, but my tongue was coated with his seed. I had to tilt my head back to keep the rest of it from spi

t until I could find no more cum. Then I licked his pubic hair and his balls, making sure to get every drop. When I was done, he whispered,

felt a little embarrassed at what I'd done. All my life, I'd been told that what I'd done was sinful, that

b my thigh. He kept getting close to my erection, but he never touched it. I tried move his hand to my groin

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