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Chapter 3 Back to the Room

Word Count: 5469    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

ly stand it. I knew better than to touch my cock. Of course, I tried to do it surreptitiously, sliding my hand across my lap in the darkened cab. Jason missed nothing. His hand grabbed mine and pulle

why didn't he want me to cum? I thought about telling him to go to hell, but I could still taste him in my mouth. And I had to ad

ing with stuff. His side of the closet was stuffed with clothes, mine was empty except for a suitcase. My desk had my old laptop on it, but his had a desktop computer that looked like it had all the bells and whistles. His chest h

ed it to me. "Go down to the vending machines on the first floor," he said. "Get us some bottled water, ab

alls and even louder voices rang out. The snack shop was a room with some microwaves and two walls full of vending machines that held everything from bottled water to fruit juice and milk, soda, chips, cookies, and even to chilled items like sandwiches and burros that could be heated in the microwaves. Most of the soda machi

what he was doing, but he seemed distracted. He called over his shoulder,

Jason called me over to him. "Come here,"

ace was buried in Jason's underwear, and I was stroking my swollen penis. I felt my face grow warm. "It gets better," he said. Then the video

hadn't cried in front of another person since I was mourning my parents' deaths. I really liked Jason and I was afraid that I'd violated his trust and

re if my boy loves my scent so much that he gets excited?" he asked. He pushed me back jus

ed me down next to him. He put his arm around my waist. "You did say that you wanted to be my boy, didn't you?" he

with a man before. Hell, I've never even been with a


ell," I

have said it aloud. It seemed so we

a boy to become aroused by the smell of his man. I wo

ed over to kiss my temple. "A

ver been this excited by anyone. Never in my life. I

ry corner. I felt his saliva enter my mouth and I greedily swallowed it, like it was the best thing in the world. He rose from the bed and pulled me up

ps grazed my shaft for just a moment. I thought I would explode right then, but the touch was too fleeting. He pulled me closer. My erection pressed aga

w it on the floor. "Now step out of your pants," he ordered. I kicked my shoes off and then stepped out of my jeans. The fact tha

ite touching my erection. It was obvious that he enjoyed teasing me. The way my cock twitched it was obvious that I enjoyed it too. He turned me slightly and ran his hand down my back and acros

on his face. "The room isn't right," he

making out, now we were going to move furniture? And I was naked, with a raging erection. Jason looked

ecided to go along with it. Aft

shed the two beds together to make one big bed. Then the desks went side by side along t

than I could have imagined. Since we had moved the furniture, it sounded like he was planning on sharing a bed permanently, not just for one night. My breath caught in my chest and, strangely enoug

while Jason was fully clothed, but I could tolerate it, if that's what he wanted. I think I was most uncomfortable with the signs

ason removed his own clothes and put them in as well. Then he pulled out a pair

me tea into an infuser. When the water was hot, he put the infuser in the pot and poured hot water into it. He pulled out two teacups. He also added something else to each of the cups, but I

here, he gently stroked my chest, my thighs, my neck, anything but my erection. My skin was tingling, and I felt calm and relaxed. "What's in the tea?"

drugs," I asked, more hurt tha

hat I will never do anything that will harm you. A good boy should listen to his man and obey. Now finish your tea."

tingling in my skin

ling me down beside him. "Do you know what it m

. I knew that you were a submissive boy when I saw how you reacted to my scent. I confirmed your submissiveness in the restaurant. When

wn scent and produces a reaction when it's inhaled. Most men react by becoming more open to my suggestions. Most women become sexually aroused. Not fully aroused, probably because I'm gay

st have made him hesitate. He asked

ons to you aren't natural, that they're caused by a drug?" I was feeling. My penis, on t

ste of my cum. It may have taken all semester, but it would have happened. The reactions of your body would never have arisen if you weren't the boy you are, and I weren't the man I am. Your reaction is so strong because we are so sexually compatible. I'm dominant, an alpha male. You're a gay s

ce. He kissed my face and my neck. I felt like I was melting into him. I don't know w

ving its way with you; your scent is making me feel drunk as well. The cologne I'm using causes your body to react. Part of that reaction is t

touched my penis, even for a moment, I would have exploded all over both of us. I guess he knew that because he didn't. My legs moved apart of their own accord, allowing

e, he pulled his hand away and pressed me down on the bed. He kissed me again. My lips felt bruised from his roughness. Then he

, Jason had snatched my wrist in his strong hand and forced it up over my head. His other hand pulled my other hand al

men and the onset of sudden cramps. Seeing the look on my face, Jason let go of my hands and extended his own hand as I jump

it open. I was going to pull it closed after me, but Jason slipped in and leaned against the s

of the toilet. When I thought I was done, I felt another load forcing itself out. I sat until I was sure that I was empty. Jason held my hand and, despite the smell, he seemed to want to reassure me. He handed me a few

ur hands and we can get started." I stood up and wash

back. "Come on," he said, patting the bed. Since he was on the middle, I had no idea where I was supposed to lie. He used h

"You know what to do. You need practice of cour

it. I took his cock in one hand and bent down to plant a kiss right on the tip. I then kissed my way all along the hardening shaft, down to his beautiful balls. I kissed each of them in turn then licked my way back up the shaft to the head.

ad pulled the skin down as far as it would go, I put the entire head in my mouth and rubbed it gently with my touch. Jason's hands g

theater. We were in a well-lit in the room and I was thrilled to able to see his cock while I s

is cologne, but it had an underlying muskiness that was subtle but overwhelming. And that smell, that intoxicating

tly squeezing as I descended, my mouth opening wider. Then I would draw up

lt pride. "I love the way your skin blushes such a beaut

ince I felt a warm oily glow right on the anus. He ran his finger around the ring slowly, moistening it. With each complete perambulation, he a

o go all the way down, but I gagged and c

to have to work up to taking it all the way down. A

on the internet. My own was above average a

ay. Waves of sensation spread out from my anus all along my legs and spine. It wasn't really pleasure, but it

across my tongue and his taste filled my mouth. I decided it was the best taste I'd

dn't know how he would be able to fit his cock inside me. It was much larger than his finger. I'd never had anything inside me except the tip of my o

ound Jason's cock. He seemed to like that. He moaned, louder than I had - probably because he didn't have a thick cock in his mouth. I sucked harder, pausing now and again to kiss the shaft from tip to root. I could feel Jason getting closer to climax now. As for me, every st

ould feel the pressure building like a dam ready to burst. Jason slid out from under me and r

. I couldn't restrain myself, I yelle

ime since I'd met him. He paused. He l

othing in the universe more than to lube up and plow into your gorgeous a

eady. I'm so goddam boned up I

ce. He crawled forward and kissed me. I was tense. I resisted his ki

d anyone, but if I jump in and take you now, you'll get hurt. I

. If I fucked you now, there's no way you would cum tonight. You took car

. I let myself melt into him again. Slowly he kissed my neck and left a trail of love bites down my chest and abdomen. He breathed gently

You are so fucki

erineum. He kissed me gently then moved his mouth to my ass. He pulled me up by my hips, letting

and then I felt his tongue

Don't stop! Whatever

inside me. It was like I was on fire. My skin was burning, and his every touch sent shivers up my body. Jason ate my ass until I

out they probed, getting as deep as they could. Jason's knuckles pressed against my anus,

o. No. No. Plea

running through me. His tongue felt like heaven, but only his middle finger was long enough to stroke my magic button. He went back and

over the edge. I felt a tightness in my groin

at the root of my cock. I felt like my heart had stopped. It was like an orgasm, but different, like it wasn't concent

't really feel like any orgasm I'd had before. I was exhausted and felt weak. My cock was still semi-hard. There

ongue slipped inside, along with my cum. I could taste myself in his mouth. We kissed until all we could

on said. "You have to trust me. I will always do what's b

n," I said. I mean

ack on. His cock nestled between the cheeks of my ass. I felt warm. I

ul boy trapped within a muscular frame that he had constructed like a mask to hide his true self from everyone. Kieran's reaction to his scent was extreme, probably because it awakened so many of his hidden desires. The test in the restaurant had proved it. Kieran was Jason's perfect complement, a true submissive longing to surrender to J

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