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Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 2489    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

e the sound of somet

ed up world dares


arm clock beside his bed and it fell o



gly, the nois

rm clock that had disrupted his rare


d as he unplugged his cellphone f

his acquaint


be calling hi

the rece

nd hit just came on and I need you down in

he man under his breathe, adjust

to me?" The

at was he hit that was wort

g ca

hit killed M

l give you all the shitty

hung up before the man

osed to be in

a two days hit trip he

mitri Rover...whatever h

lled by Dimitri and the woman had paid him t

ow to himself entire but seems t

p and knowing he won't be able to ge

down and get hi

rtunately for him, he'd no li

evil's name ha

e reme

hem four days ago before

irs and looked out

lor black outside, ex

lack vest and a black hooded leather jacke

did his lace and zipp

his wallet

KGB custom made wi

mmunition collection and they

lid inside booty and the g

car key and he

ex he'd inherited from his old man befo

ds, because of the nat

ad no need for neighbors,

black SUV jeep which was parked besi

and drove through the

nutes to get into town and

ast, he'd visited the ba

t a lot of

and made his way out of the

Tortilla Jacks was still opened and qu

wild. Men who love to make noises. Men who go after the wi

past them and we

ht to the barsto

ld the guy who was serving

tever the fuck


t a few dollars bil

carton to him and h

up before he could leave and he won't

small and migh

ugh could scare

ood stuff and asked

y infor

pull the li

se words, he

o spend time there. He gets his drinks in bulk and lea

they knew b

ar when he noticed som

hing, he walked to the trunk of

nd from it he could tell the

about opening it when he felt t

y bas

o himself bu

elt was a cold meta

was pointing

d guts to poin

he would succumb just because

what make of gun it was, he

ing .4

ard with

osh or else, your h

y the bastard's groans c

the bastard was holding it, his

e you yo

with me, you might not survive it." H

fuck, he was inside the car a

he engine an

he carried th

the counter, then went back to the poorly

tied the bottles inside it and s

left the

room and turned on h

d couch there and pulle

of the cigarette and sti

er, inhaled the nicotine

to the hit Boris h

iguez i

hat the bastard w

d and a drug synd

was made to his life and that was when he got to know t

xes, sly, cunning and know

im and took the biz the man had almost concluded with

ng to last longer than his fat

ould be lying six feet under the e

year now and th

dead then why is Bo

he a detective to know who

kill and not f

es Boris

he bastard that he doesn

clean up the shit, he k

living being cause of a hit tha

t of Kent, he stood up from the couch and walked to th

ulled out the old wooden coffee table

e rolled up at the

e was that early. He hardl

has to be early on, is where

early." Boris joked, when Don came o

funny, thus didn't smile o

prised one bit.

rs had Boris s

up his jaw, he can't move it and if he ever

but no one seems to notice that fac

ask her how it was like, fucking

t even tak

with the bigger of the

d belie

ck of a man. All six foot ni

would possess a fair share of his lu

ked the man straight away, ign

ay anything than ju

old Don and the man followe

ot to his small but expensively

ay his black lensed glasses as he sat down on one of the l

Mr Rodriguez was found dead i

was going to die sooner or later."

?" Boris


, what's

ean up shi

omething way bigger and better than shit cleaning." Bor

f Mr Rodriguez and I told 'em rednecks about ya." Bo

excited and m

e W

n't spell his life right....." He sighed and

I don't pr

in the goddamned dictionary book that has to do wit

s and the crawling reptiles kno

ork, so why bunk my ass in an

r a way to make

t, there's no one who can take care of those kids and take them to w

rust himself to do

it ain't no p

stuff, about a few day

vilization scrubbed down far in th

w days travel by land." Boris explained

sn't taking the man's

set him on a j

of business and he w


and I've heard they go

find it fun

fuck one of them but actually, this

rrupted hi

Don, take it as a leave, an h

e as much of a pain in t

n't protect his ass f


lled h

He told

it?" Bor

I have a goddamned

ght out so

is." He said, pushing

e?" Don asked,

ou might want to change your mind later

s from Boris and r

d he's l

said he wasn't lucky enough to go, but he

was okay with it, he took the pen Boris had offered hi

getting paid han

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