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Chapter 7 SEVEN

Word Count: 1786    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

don't know wha

met much men in

me inside their suite, but

at man, whatever the

ing!" She y

ble Mr Don. First

're the cause of your problem. What is


d react this way not raise

.ladylike and all those.....girlish charac

did he bring s

ver asked for but that doesn't mean you'll go a

me I would talk about thi

p and down as she

is, but I won't tolerate you talking to anyo

rolled her ey

e would want to talk

ing her vows and after that, she would be a sister

ally be getting

ny man and especially

un, that doesn't mean she can't talk

any form of relationship especial

one committed to the wor

r, it's abominable and very unfor

e temple of God and she i

nk her on her butt the night he took

supposed father had e

ally hu

e he saw her

y mother

ion to the priest when she's fin

ever seen

nvent, nor her parents ever si

couldn't miss the evil glint in his

with somethi

nor love, it was lust and she found it

er stomach when she found h

e her, she for once

ening to me mi

ched the missus

he huffed and walked back

leave the m

that morning and Alina insisted they shouldn't b

't say a

left Alina to tak

care that the chil

asked bewildered at his indiffe

ri gonna be alright

child she was carrying an

Kay, Suri w

e sure o

girl closer and

only fall asleep in her arms and would wake up wa

ening after finally put

for fresh air after having t

ho called her and surprisingly it


ng." She g

ss the log and

ouching and she was

" He asked her and her


h hu


an from earl

ally. Mr Don is my employer r

look surpri

with the kids."

frowned and l


m with the kid

rop the topic immediately and wonderfully en

e you from?"

of hair that was dangling

rom Te

?" He asked her, showing


rt from going to the Wellies with the Reverend sisters at

?" He asked her surp

a nun or a

......Although I haven't taken my vows yet but I


anyone who's lives in a conv


t a goo



wrong in livin

free like you, I don't mind coming to join you

ice smile." He told

coming from the othe

h that dickhead...what

ious and charge

her name, calling

iling face dissolved and a big

ile at this freak face

mmediately he got close

lone Don!"

p to say something but one glare f

lone!" She

her arms from his tighten

r compared to her or even Jon, so

on, throwing deadly daggers at the man w

redy car that was about to

t like this in front of him,

owing that someone is afra

u to keep your sic

He asked the man, voices

en't doing a

I were j

t Alina!" He

h fear at how angry th

kill a weak h

use I pity your poor ass because yo

before I change my mind and wa

y and scurried out, l

ide, watching the man scurry away and h

to you missu

you!" Sh

one ha

on his shoulder like he'd do

not even her cries and y

e walked past the hallway to

the room, he all



er to keep sh

want to wake the kids up and go through the trou

body with lustful desires

o yell princess,

oulder and she tried to move

g all over

She stuttered but his hand on

fuck you so hard right now."

ords from getting into her head but unfortunately, th

ow for haunting my life but g

t I don't want to, b

odding when he said



ered to

't m

d almost i

." Came another o

bending down

gunshot which flew into the room fro

at her and she ran to the ro

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