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The Perfect Lies

Chapter 2 You're In My Seat, Darling

Word Count: 1312    |    Released on: 13/07/2022

as an eighteen year old girl stands in front of the mirror,

looks at her long straight messy brown hair falling till her shoulders. She looks

denim blue jeans. So much for trying to make an impression- but these were

erson to enter. It was her aunt Joe and she preferred Mia to call her

even look at his breakfast without you.” She says, to

and looking at her niece- she reminded her so much of her late older s

on my way.”

er niece and whenever she did it was to make some sort of a snarky remark and ma

her family picture and picking up the frame in her hands.

g table in the same room. Uncle Jack was sitting on the chair next to the wall, reading the new

eager for revenge…because she still believes that her family was killed on purpose- each one of t

r uncle told her and that would calm her down somewhat. She would do heavy worko

hing her fists and Joe turns around to look at her with the same hatred fi

the bed today.” Mia snarks with a sm

tch your mouth.” Joe warns

with a loud bang and that was the signal for Jack to keep the newspaper on the table. Joe never really liked the idea of

your first da

g to sound enthusiastic but the

were still scary for her. She would rather walk for half an hour but after Jack insisted on taking some transportation, they

she was very aware that she would end up gaining attention no matter what. In small towns, gossip spread like Christmas delights. The poor, beaut

girl with dark red hair who was sitting in front of her turns to look at h

en up on being nice and sweet wh

l let out a sigh, before speaking again. “Because, Ryder

I have every right to sit wherever I want.” Mia answers before plug

he looks away from the window as the door opens and steps inside a very beautiful boy and their eyes

r direction making her instantly look away. A few seconds later she feels

asks, not hiding the fac

darling.” He says, with his

he entire last row being empty. He was still staring at her with that sneer smile w

y, Ryder tapped on the redhead’s

ook back at Mia who had a confused frown on her face. He noticed how she was clenching her fists and it se

t care who you’re or what you did to make

y. “You have escal

her interest in him as well. That was very odd, considering she had just met him. When he straightened up, their s

y sat somewhere else but there was something about her that was hard to resist

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