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It's Always Been You

It's Always Been You

Author: petuniash

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2649    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

dorm room, busying myself by reading a b

room, slamming the door loudly behind him. He looked out of breath, leaning his back against the

raighter. This wasn't something you witness ev

ftly when he looked up and

ad. Shock and confusion flashed across his features, not exp

nto the wrong room while running for your life." The ca

t it, looking like a fish. The c

m," he pointed to his bed. "The question i

d his arms over his chest as he stepped c

of the bed. "I'm Fia." I tilted my

ve a date or something?" He almost loo

isbelief. "No offence pretty boy, but guys with player reputations who run a

y as he continued to walk closer to the bed I was sitting

at me in. "I'm pretty sure the whole college knows about your reputation, pret

s bed instead of his own bed. "So, are you going to keep calling me pretty boy or should I

s confidence and ego amusing. "

a grin. "I'm Wes but you can stick to ca

on't think I need to enlarge you

ed, leaning his back against the wall

and making sure to avoid looking at his ve

halantly. "So, you know

ot here for

ng here for him? Booty call or some

on the bedside table. "Girlfriend, actua

a breath. "That's a lot of commitment. You should be out h

at his mindset. "You don't need to be s

eyes skeptically.

tioning what he was implying. "What is th

and living on campus has got to have its difficulties.? I don't think I know

e happy. Sure we had some struggles and problems

I can assure you that it is possible to be in a happy relationship. Not everyone wan

d for the record, I am not afraid of commitment." He let out a sm

from that girl?" We had literally met while he was in the proc

ught of an excuse for me. "She was... - f

?" I re

were on top of mine. "Because if there wa

rl you don't just want to mess around with?" I snorted, not buying it. He was definitely

ed curtly, grinni

what was wrong with the girl

in a look of disgust. "We just met today and she was alrea

I shrugged casually because I didn't want to admit to him that maybe that was

me you're thinking about baby names with Nate already? Or wait, is that why you're still wi

smacked his arm, scof

room and have the urge to hookup with the handsome stranger in the bathroom? Never to see him again but the sexual tension and satisfaction being enough to have you swoon." My eyes went wide, my jaw

nd response. "So then I'm right. You're the type of girl who has a five yea

, I prefer to live in the moment. We're t

to be settled down. You should expl

ath, "You go ahead and do th

off the bed. He walked over to retrieve a sweatshirt. I watched his back

ated up. I did not need to be caught staring at him but man, he was a b

I muttered sarcastic

sarcasm. "You c

furrowed tog

erfect girl and maybe I will settle down

ou think I could find th

orgeous doe-eyes of yours. With those eyes and that quick mind of yours, I'm

liment but I ignored it. "You

bad, maybe I can give it a shot. And who knows, maybe yo

ebrow, "You're

work out, I'll still be going out on dates and charming t

h, they'll fall for you up until

musement flashed across his eyes. "

cheeks started to warm up again. I don't know w

ou can admit you were smitten by my charming and beautiful looks

I quickly changed my demeanour and rolled my eyes, playing it

, w

Nate walked in. He stopped in his tracks, a confu

walked further into the room and placed hi

You told me to meet you here." Nate nodded his h

g. He seemed off and distant and like he didn't want me her

st hoping for some down time after

okay," I plastered a small smile onto my face. "I just wanted to see you. You've been so busy with class

is eyes as he looked between Nate

and sitting on his bed. "Gre

rt ache hearing him talk to me like he really didn't want to even see me right

how weird this interaction between Nate and I seemed while Nate on

nodding my head, I started

n Wes spoke up. "Hey Nate, mind

ning to look at Wes in co

oke, looking up to n

hoping she could find me a new girl to get with," Wes

see you guys warmed up to e

rds came out. I was too stunned by t

" Wes glanced at me for a moment and sent

my gaze to Nate, gritting my teet

with utter ease. "However, I do need you to

y whatever game Wes was playing. I was

s phone again. It didn't even seem like he

ng him to say something. How ca

. Yeah, you guys go... have f

ed, "Se

es has a player reputation, I was concerned why Nate was so ke

that Wes was giving me much more a

y on his phone to even he

cry or kick. It was like Nate couldn't even see me sta

gaze to the ground. "I'll see you

, still not looking

face. I sighed as I turned to leave the room, no longer

w after me but he did, quick

k in his eyes as he raised his eyebrows. "Y

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