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It's Always Been You

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

greeted Nate. He was picking me up from my d

iss my cheek. It was quick. "Hi." He looked me onc

followed him out of my room. M

have put in extra effort to do my hair and makeup, throw on an outfit I would consider fairly cute.I was excite

friend when you put in more effort than normal to lo

er me. It was just a

ed his fingers against the steering wheel, in beat

or head back to your dorm after the party is over?"

aking his eyes off t

as supposed to respond to his dry

ng past him. It was as if merely speaking to him was giving him

, Fia. Nothing new

tion. I didn't know if I want

look at him, holding onto his forearm to stop him from immediately getting

inted in his eyes. "Do we have to argue right

g with you." I spoke sheepishly. "I

to calm his building annoyance before answer

"Okay. Then why a

later?" Nate cut me off harshly, looking meekly exa

d him a small smile which he ignored as he headed out of the car. Nate didn't wait for m

right now, I headed out of the car and decided to push al

tered the crowded frat house b

ng over to me. Michelle wrapped her arms ar

ked, glancing around and

in a breath. "Don't

bounced off while Chris and I followed behind

down at me, frowning. "You

"Nothing's wrong

th Nate and I since high school so it was safe to say he knew me qu

elle. "I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to

m for us. I shook away all my thoughts of Nate because the

ore me, I was going to have a good time

the make-shift dance floor that was really the living room. We bo

ar before pushing my way through the c

d Nate sitting with some friends so I wa

rink or two in him and is in a better mood now. We are at a part

y patted my

at him. "Where have you been?

ust my existence he didn't want to be reminded of? "You

suddenly feeling a lump in my throat. "I'm not trying to do that. I just hadn't seen you since we arr

y, frowned. "That was mean." She swat

ng sheepish as everyone awkwar

t was going on between us. It didn't take a genius to sense t

me. "Whatever, you know what I mean. I don'

to half. I don't know if the alcohol was making my chest feel

or hurt. Or just all of the above. The distance

y hi, Nate." I exhaled

ok his head at Nate. "Who shoved a s

ded my head slowly as I straightened my back. I could read the room and sense that Nate really did not wa

et awkwardly as I avoided everyone's gaze. "If you deci

ain because I felt my throat tightenin

hell did

what I could have possibly d

I walked off. "Why are you being a dick? Fia

bling but I was gone b

ugh the crowed and tried to find someplace to be alone and get some air b

t a door that led out to the balcony. Seeing as nobody was ou

h Nate and why he was being so rude to me lately. I didn't understand how I was suppos


He walked onto the balcony,

iced the look on my fa

e onto my face. "Nothing. I jus

ht for a second before shaking his head softly. "Don't lie to me, Fia.

d over the railing and tilted my head up to lo

yes peering into me. "I don't buy it. I don't

, my head tilting to th

l and soft smile. "Come on

u, Wes, isn't it crazy how you're out here comforting me when I only met you four days ago? Meanwhile my actu

t the alcohol in me was bubbling out

oated across his face as he peered at me. "What d

He's just being so... mean." I sounded like a pathetic little child. I quickly sho

ts way onto his face. "What type of f

I lightly swatted his arm. "

r for me. "I'm kidding but lets

lthough I agreed, makin

Michelle stopped when she locked eyes with Wes. She quirked an eyebrow, a flirty little smil

with Michelle's. He licked his lips,

, finding this m

her head at him, stari

"When you fel

line worked on her otherwise she would have laughed in Wes's face at how bad

ng red as she blushed like a schoolgirl. "And

ght now. After how Nate was treating me, the last thing I needed to see

ow at her, a suggestive look on his face. "W

ting to hear their terrible flirting. I didn't know why I was so bothered because norm

d Wes's voice call from behind me

trying to sound sincere as I pushed my way out of

stumbled right into a hard chest. "Wes!" I snapped

ed loudly. "I'm coming after

dn't know where the annoyance was coming from exactly but

t you wanted, right? My job's done. Now go

ther as he looked at me in

orry. I'm just tired and want to go home and sleep

mall smile as I t

e right through me and sense the lack of sincerity in my words. "You're drun

o frustrated with everything that had happened toni

e you back to your dorm. I want to leave anyways." He didn't wa

helped me into his car, buckling t

tly played on the stereo. My eyelids started to droop, feeling heav

er before I had found myself struggling

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