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It's Always Been You

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1230    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

ou guys are as ha

his comments about commitment being stupid.

to peer at me, lightly narrowing his eyes. "Seems like there's trouble

ll grin. "Who do you want me

ay be an asshole in some ways but I w

ds warmed my heart but I c

epishly, avoiding Wes's gaze. "He'

g it very evident that he

d his own way as soon as we exited t

at him. "Are you plannin

t with amusement. "Nope but you

yebrows, conf

why not? Let's go see these match-making skills of yours." His lips danced with

. "You're not

heart. You're my new wing-man. Or win

to the local cafe that was always filled with

ecided 'what the hell' and to

out to be the worst company so we could have a little fun

twitter to pass time. Hardly twenty minutes passed when Wes slid b

eyebrow, "B

Is this what you call match-making, Fia? I a

bottom lip. "Hey! What was wron

alk about was how cool the Pythagorean theory is. Does it l

g hand on top of his. "Hey, that was only the

scoffing. "The only girl I

In that case, let me know if yo

's make a deal. In the next 11 years, if we're not married to Je

is words. I raised my eyebrows, "I think I'd have more luck as a

usement glowing in his eyes. "You telling me I hav

frantically shook my head. I quickly moved

cally. "Trust me,

ever go for a guy like Wes. As fun as he my be to have around, I would never date him because he's not so

had to be because things were so off and weird with Nate that receiving all these compliments and attention fro

offee as he sipped on it.

my thoughts as I noticed

for a moment before narrowing h

pecting that. "I

you. He was being an asshole. Maybe you were happy at one point but fro

ht but for a moment I saw a hint

is. "We're... we're fine. Nate and I are good. He's just been

maybe it's just not working out anymo

ng. Maybe he was right. "Wes... you don't bail from a

e the subject now. But," he looked at me pointedly.

ly, heat creeping up my neck at his comment.

what I was getting in my relationship. That made m

ing to sense that Wes was more

m my hea

eing sarcastic or not. "I'm going to go buy another coffee so I don't

y head no and then

Hamilton earlier today, I would have laughed a

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