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My Dreams, His Reality

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2126    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

use. Today. Come

er Cain star

o the left of me, for what f

wouldn't have known he was staring at me. And for

and went back to texting on her

I have already done the past twenty times. I knew that he was looking at

orner of the room still staring at me with a stony expression. I don't think he had looked at any other p

brow and telepathically questioned him as to why he was being a c

ession, when finally his lips twitched upwards to r

who was going on and on about some quantum theory and l

Harper Cain staring at me, I am going to go berserk. How

ng and staring and staring at our table, well specifically at me. I even

is morning on a single mission to stare me to death?

s like he wants a staring

second. Doesn't the teacher even notice that he was not paying attention or do they have a personal

re, half the school must think

male voice spo

ack to hear a lit

rper keep st

plopped my he


oon as the class ende

g, stay afte



ff and waited for the class to empty

of the room and headed towards the teacher's desk where Mr.

ood. At least, I wa

ve heard from all the teachers that you are a gr

hell am I even supp

oup of twenty students who will join our school's t

and I was pretty sure there were many students just like me. This man before me, who I had never even spoken two sentences to

I will thin

form from the top drawer of his desk. "Just f

lyer from hi

oom, I crumpled the flyer and thre

who wasn't even going to care about their grades. My job at Monique's Bakery alre

o. How time passes! Everyone pretty much runs away from school as soon a

t of nowhere, a hand latched around my wrist an

s going to fall, because what can I say, I was clumsy that way. When I was about to toppl

This person was standing very close to me. Inside my personal bubble. I could even smell his

have been aw

rywhere today! He looked at me with an intense expression of...need? Lust? I can't even fath

elicious shivers through my whole body and I res

A trance created by Harp

s with which I was pretty sure he had groped countless females. That part of me wanted to remind my brain to step out of his embrace because I have hated

rt of me was really small

time. And we would have stared for a long ti

thoughts and tried to step back. But he didn't let

ound his neck in order to pull him closer to me. His lips molded perfectly with mine, as if his lips were made for me. My knees buckled due to the unexpected desire coursing through me and the

s flexing. I felt as if at any t

my bottom lip asking for entrance. I couldn't he

my mouth. Fighting for dominance in the kiss with him w

quite reluctantly and brea

op. Didn't he ne

my jaw. To the back of my ear lobe, to my neck. And to my shoul

the crook of my neck a

eyes and I saw his lust for

dilated and appe

aze drifted towards his lips, which were, a fe

out of him. I knew he wanted it too. I could see it in his eyes and in

sciously leaned into his touch. I enjoyed how rugged and calloused his hands f

use. Today. Come

pen at Harper'

mean, sure, I was pretty out of it too but I would like to think I would still

ad never ever seen Harper blushing before. Ever! And it felt great

party at my house t

He was used to people following over his every word and f

wits, so I could only nod. I felt my

k which I hated on him,

hink I deserve

but it didn't sound like my voice at all

it is my

. He twirled a strand of my brown hair which had somehow g

leaned forward and stole another

first kiss was nothing compared to this one. I think I

down at his watch and sighed. "I have to go." He gave a small smile, his fingers

ran out of the room. I am not joking. He literally ra

y h

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