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The Contract Marriage

The Contract Marriage


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

ars la

et morning breeze as she

e way she immediately buttoned up her jacke

reeted after getting

his morning" the driver said, lookin

d, blushing as always whe

long one, but it was always wo

arents. Victoria couldn't wish for more, after the death of their parents, Elizabeth her late mother's younger sister took them in, she didn't have ch

heir late parents left big enough, or even though Elizabeth had kicked against Victoria working at a young ag

iry God mother, who helped in furthering Victoria’s education, an

aid the taxi driver when the cab pull

ame in, and going through the security checkup, which she f

e started the day’s work, Victoria was the assistant director

ot a little time for herself, groaning at the noise her stomach was making. Due to the fact that sh

nto Victoria’s office, which cause

a dramatic entry?" Victoria

e three, they all got jobs at the Xavier cooperation. Alexa was the crazy one, Tony was the craziest and Victoria was

tself is dramatic!" Tony sai

in the office and immediately throwing herself on the seat in f

pposed to be at the bosses office, isn't he arriving today?"

arving, so can we get going? I am sure poor Vi here hasn't

I still have tons of work to do" Victoria said, taking

their favourites, Alexa and Tony of course ordered for sweet things, w

gs bothering them. But this time nobody bothered to break the silence. This time whatever it was, that they were thinking about was surely importan

to as always, causing Victoria to wonder if they find pleasure in arguing. Afte

now" John, the head of the marketing department told Victoria immed

why?" Victoria

ing him when he gives an order?" John said lik

ld go see hi

esn't look like he

there by Mr Xavier, ever since she has been working here. She had never really seen her boss at close range either, so right now she was terrified

epping out into the hallway. The bosses office was the only office on this floor, and this was the on

ng to the secretary about something, bu

r wanted to see me?" Victoria aske

r something, then our three won't be complete any more" Alexa said, pan

ppen you say that? I better go in and see what he h

ance Victoria would have taken time admire the beautiful interior decoration, as it was a mixtu

gaining the attention of the boss, he

said, gesturing to t

a Christopher, r

said, trying to h

al for you, are

kind of prop

I need you to marry

Victoria said sur

eed you to marry


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