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The Brighter

The Brighter

Author: indigo

Chapter 1 Beginning

Word Count: 2065    |    Released on: 23/07/2022

the windows and saw the glistening sea with its waves sending sounds that calmed her to the bones. Her mother was probably preparing breakfast and she knew she would need h

before in her life like they had an otherworldly connection and all she wanted was to meet him and know who he was. In her dreams she never saw his face but his body was completely in her view and they would lie on a bed surrounded with pure white sheets and white curtains and he would do unthinkable things to her, the things he did only ignited a fire within her, and she felt like the fire could never be stopped, only by him. She would wake up from every dream feeling very lost and longing for an emotion that felt so far away from her. The first time Ursula heard moans coming from her daughters room she assumed it was only her teenage hormones doing their job, but when he had heard them 3 nights in a row she decided to have a look only for her to realize her daughter was moaning in deep sleep. She realized her daughter had come of age and things were happening exactly according to her mother's prophecy. She decided to make a deal with some slave traders, she begged them to send her daughter to the palace as a palace slave, to do the kings bidding, she assured them of her daughters purity and her beauty and they finally agreed to take Niamh to the castle. "how do you know about my dreams?" " I hear all the strange noises you make while you're asleep" she said and watched her daughters face turn red with embarrassment. "listen Nia, in our world, there are many creatures, but the strongest are the vampires, among these vampires are even stronger creatures called Nineveh, there is one for each kingdom, the Nineveh are usually the rulers of their kingdom because of the immense power they hold, but despite all the power they have, they can never unleash their true potential without their brighters. Once the Nineveh unleash their true potential they quite literally become gods on earth" Ursula explained and Niamh tried to absorb all she was hearing as it was too much for her to take in all at once. "it is said that the Nineveh and brighter of our kingdom are the strongest of the 4 kingdoms and once our Nineveh reaches his full potential it will be a threat for the other 3 kingdoms combined, that is why I have decided to sell you, nothing on the face of the earth can stop a brighter from meeting their Nineveh, I know you will get there safely and you'll make me proud" Ursula said looking at her daughter with teary eyes. " why does it have to be me?" Niamh asked "I don't want this" she said with teary eyes. "I know how much you hate the vampires, but this is your destiny, and you have to fulfil it because eventually the Nineveh will start actively searching for you to retain his sanity, we do not need a mad king as the king is mad enough already, he might even kill me if I'm in the way" Ursula exhaled. "once a brighter comes of age, she will have feelings that are inexplicable and she will long for something which she doesn't know or understand until she finally goes insane, the same thing happens to her Nineveh but the feeling is even worse because vampires have stronger emotions. " so I'm destined to marry a blood sucking demon, that is what this means and I have no choice but to do it" Niamh said, sadness evident in her voice. Her father loved her, he always gave her everything she asked for, always made her laugh and she was never sad or unhappy when he was around. Her father had paid for language lessons for her, because he saw reading and writing as a necessity for every child, noble blood or not. On the day her father died, some high level vampires had come to scout the village fo

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