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Taming The Gorgeous Beast

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1546    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

was zoning out. I just went back to my reverie when I accidenta

an. I immediately covered my mouth, my eyes widened and my cheeks burned


gosh! Oh my gosh!

thing flustering but when I saw him looking at me, all I could do was

t my finger. His prominent nose made his side p

dsome than those male models I have worked with. Adds up t

g a naked photoshoot if

y sudden thought. Why the heck

k up at the numbers, I'm not even sure where I was going now and all I know is when the elevator opened. I waited for t

one who answered was the guy besid

right mind, unsure if this was the right floor where I was supposed to head out but

tons were open revealing his sexy chest but it doesn't look attractive to me compared to the man I saw

is too muc

was about to greet him with an embrace when his eyes gave me a warning glare. I was in a daze for a moment, not sure what was the

y, I over

his fisted hand on the table took my attention. "Are you cheating on me

at this is an arranged marriage. Even if we get married or not, the fact that I was still forced to marry was enough not to love y

asn't. I only agreed to fix my marriage with him when I was in college, everything was planned ever since and enable to get my fre

ating because you were the woma

e. I thought he was going to slap me but my screams were instantly covered when he pushed me on th

tried to push him away but he was too strong. I couldn't defend nor ask for help , I tried kicking him a

iss he gave me. "Fuck you!" I harshly wiped my lips using my elbow a

r." His voice was full of warning and I won

's grip when the door suddenly opens and a man in proper suot enter, after him was the ma

assisting us told us that you are handy with your company so I just want to show you some a

of Nico and in front of me. I wanted to savour and filled my eyes

o do something to make his life miserable. That's how crazy he is because he was sure that he can'

ore handsome than N

at the elevator guy, our eyes met and he didn't even bother hiding his stares. My forehead wrinkled

d. Weird b

ear when Nico signalled me to sit next to him. I followed his every command and I almost jolted in surp

and before intertwining my fingers with his. "I'm sorry, hon. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said in the most sincere way possible but I don'

n't able to attend the lunch earlier." I took the time to tell him the very

e again on my temple, then to my forehead, down to my nose and cheeks. He moved my head and held me softly on my chin a

s at all. It was bland and unwell that I had to pull

inner, remember?" He nodded with a smile on his fac

r a perfec

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