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Taming The Gorgeous Beast

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1568    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

nd slightly pulled my hair to get rid of

pped when I stood up without holding it. I can't remember everything that happened l

sagree with. I went in with him and kissed him torridly before I stripped him naked. I was kneeling in front of hi

as able to come here to my condo. My parents don't know about this p

th, hoping to take away my hangover because I

bbles before I closed my eyes. My plan was to stay there for a couple of min

leepy and I don't think I would last any hours without falling asleep. Adds up that I may have overdrink last night, ma

naked body revealed. "Why is she calling you?" I asked in a still

er messages too because I was sleeping." She explained and I just pent it up that Zyra was st

already knowing that they'll go on a complete fr

y don't interfere with it. They always say that it's between me and my

do crazy things just to save m

d my skin care before going out of the bathroom. Zyra was still there, rummaging through

'll blow dry

n. After that I slowly put on my dress and it was perfect.. except for the part where

e for me. I went in and saw mom, stressed out and almost crying as she sat on the couch. Dad on


myself, letting out a sigh and easing myself before taking my par

rance and before I even knew it, mom's palm landed on the si

worried I was!?" She shouted and poured her madness all on me. I slightly lowered my hea

was this mad and I knew it wasn

you just let us wait for the whole our." Mom cried on her knees and dad was swift to help her stand. "You didn't only ashamed us, Amelia, but also Nico. He is y

consoles mom, the way he glares at me never misses from my vision even if I wa

ng. "Don't worry, mom. I'll go visit Nico at his company. I'll try to ask him if we could have a family dinner t

e cheeks happily. "Oh, I know you're not going to disappoint us. I'm so proud of you, my bab

y are my daughter." He hugged me playfully and kissed me on t

the house. I don't care if I don't have a car or something but all I know was to get away from that house

s under construction. I parked my car at the very back and had to walk ten minutes to the entrance. I don't like taking th

o everyone that Nico and I already had a relationship. My parents and he even decided to tel

rnoon, Mis

nswered them with a smile and went in as soon as the elevator opened. "We can't enter yet, Mis

e elevator with, but because of Nico, he has a rule that no one must look nor get near me whenever I c

just leaning on the side corner of the elevator when we stopped at the fifth floor. T

n, wearing a casual, torned and painted with cement clothes.

d to that one man who can only afford to chuckle at his friends' jokes. My eyes trailed down to his buff chest, over

delectable. Del

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