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Taming The Gorgeous Beast

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1509    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

. I'm still nosy of what he was going to do, his name still continue to lin

ch a hands

atched people down there as they cheer and waiting for whoever it will be to enter the ring. It ha

camera as if he knew I was looking at him right now. He let out a small smile and

place, his enemy came from the other side of the ring and when

one. His enemy was the same size as him, he was also tall an

bow punched him. Some bloods gush out from his mouth but he lo

it open when I heard more squeal and grunts. The first thing that I saw was Duke pulling his enemy by his arm and when he

ht given to him. He instantly walked out even people kept on cheering his name. I don't even

hen I heard the door creak open, revealing Duke, still shirtless. His sweats dripped down from his fac

felt a tingling sensation at

ining why did you come

it!? Even after getting into

to toe. "Why would I tell you, huh? You're not anyone whom I owe any explanation. You just saved me from that maniac and nothing

you from being raped their. This is a fucking illegal place, no one will care if that man ripped your clothes off of everyone. No one would care even if you cry for help, asking you to s

hat man. I lowered my head to avoid his stares and also to hide the tears that started to form the corner

brother is looking for you outs

bit like Duke entered, next to the man was a very familiar figure and when our st

y arm and checked every part of my body. Lifting my face to look at it's every corner before checking my breasts, waist and butt if I had some bruises o

I called him on the parking lot when he just asked if I need help because

to Duke, he was now talking with his brothe

ing here?" Duke

know you were friend with her too." His brother le

I never acted like this when other people talk about me being Nico's fiancee,

t of similarities between them. "I-It's an arranged marriage so we don't have a relationship yet until we got married

r boyfriend after here. I rolled my eyes and tap her on the shoulder. I went out of the room when I felt someo

to another level but I still continue walking, though I forgot that I wasn't familiar with the pl

suddenly felt his hand drape over my shoulder. He pulled me closer t

fright I was feeling earlier, quickly disappeared and was replaced by a weird feeling under

s arms over my shoulders and I don't want to shrug it off, but to my dismay he in

lk for an hour to get to the nearest

really just his way of talking. But whether any of it, I don'

nce in his eyes but I chose not to look at him. His stares are not intimidating but

ide me if

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