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Author: Vera Choba


Word Count: 3868    |    Released on: 11/08/2022

the grounds of West Hansten Cemetery. The whispers of night birds and cries of insects were like the

for the better part of the day. He could barely see in this darkness but the moon’s light and the shadows it cast

’. He came here every weekend to see his daughter and stand with her. He

tered in a low voice perhaps believing his dead

ntinued. There was no grief on his face, be worked through

and he immediately crouched to the ground. This Cemetery was known to be a hiding place

low graves in this place and Mark had seen a great

crawl away when he heard another set of

ght light lit up the entire

er. Mark squinted to observe further and noticed a long dirty blonde hair dropping down from the figures head. Her fa

need to think hard to know that she was already

as a security guard but Mark who frequented this Ce

he two men his hand moving cautiously to

k muttered

ut in this quiet night, it was still very loud to Mark as he watched the bright light fall along with the

al identity which was why they wanted to keep her hidden. Mark remained in his place while the men walke

it in the car so there was no way to call for help, running out would only get him killed, he wouldn’t be able to help the dying guard at all so he remained in place with hi

n were taking the effort to dig a deeper grave, then they would certainly not risk being seen. If they spotted him by any chance, there was no possibility of survival for him. Right now, the best way to stay al

leave his chances to fate, he would rather t

bow in front of the other, he crawled very slowly ignoring the creeping insects that stung his hand and climbed into his back. Perhaps he had disturbed the good time of one of the insects, he got a sharp sting on

suddenly noticed the sounds of digging stopped and he stopped too only he stopped later than

t! He looked towards the body of the guard which was now still. The gun was only an arm st

ited in Mark’s heart. Maybe the first man had spotted

!” the first man excla

e what must have happened, the first man must have seen the girls body twitch causing him to stop. The other one stopped wi

he girl to each other and

this spooky place” he ordered di

rew his gun, aiming it at the girl, he turned his face

ondering, he heard a thud and turned his head to his colleague only to see his bleeding body on the ground. Before he could process wh

ied forward, taking the guns from the two men, he removed the magazines and threw them far away. Then he moved to t

d stopped it which was the only reason why she could still be alive after taking a shot to the head. Mark crouched beside her

s one,”

ose. One lie to lose trust, once cruelty to break a

hat were incomprehensible and Mark finally woke up from his stupor. He knew he could no longer dela

they were hired help like he thought, their colleagues would want to melt their twisted idea of justice. Taking another glance at the girl whose head he had wrapped around with the cleanest piece of cloth he had in his car,

eft to right and kept on muttering, ‘It takes one’ over and over again. Mark didn’t need anyone to tell him that she wa

ey had arrived

. Very quickly a gurney was rolled out and medical workers of the hospital rushed forward

k telling Mark that she was probably checking on someone when she hurried out. The red haired eyed Mark from top to bottom taking note of his bloodstained torso, a

ng to smile but for some reason,

his thing to her found you, they would kill you even if just to hide their faces

the two people who were trying to hide their faces and if he

e will live, Gra

head and turned back around to

she replied a

he gave Mark a side glance

hout minding him. He watched her leave and them brought out the guards handgun which he kept with him. After checking the


ater, in an

ing window of a well furnished office and stared at

ished and they were found dead. Either she is a corpse or a wounded girl with a bullet in her sk

talking low. They stood tall and with straightened backs, their expressions impassive

ugh the local hospitals now, it will only be a matter of time but n

l, he wasn’t really old, at least he didn’t look old. He looked at to be in his forties

he asked turning around


take care of both of them when they are

s S


no accident. From his experience in the army, the first thing he noticed about these men was that they cleaned up nicely which surprised him because each of them was physically fit. Three men

han ten minutes. Thanks to his connection with the owner of the hospital, the girl he brought in was not documented and she was take

he forth man was very casually dressed in a red body fitted t-shirt and black jean trousers. On his waist, Mark noticed a handgun causing him too look up at the face of the cold young man. Despite his age, Mark could tell that this man had a complex

the girl’s room when the young casually dressed man drew his weapon and poin

ero’ Mark cursed in his mind as

still aimed at his head. Stopping only a few

asked in a low calming

his muscles taut and his eyes taking in

he knew that he had been mistaken for someone

me. I thought you were… other people” M

r for those who didn’t have any, they handbags. The young man looked around and his smile vanished into a frown, M

and returned it to his waist before m

ved his hand around as if to calm everyo

and I love my life and my words. I didn’t

ho were hiding their faces finally looked u

e gestured casually towards Mark. Two of the suited men came for


bby and pulled Mark closer to her. Standing in front of him, sh

?” The expression of the young

u or your father anything but I help you anyway, yet you want to take my boyfri

ce Ash or take your bo

was a member of one of the most connected organization crime organizations in t

just stared dangerously at Grace

the Kranio?” He ask

and didn’t know how to reply to it. Tu

you do?”

tuation. He was especially thrown off

men trying to bu

revent him from implicating himself sh

th the girl he saved, he didn’t know w

y my boyfriend because he took care of two men who killed a young girl” Grace’s anger disappeared and

now occurred to Prince Ash that there was a misu

when we came in, why?”

wasn’t going to sell out the girl he j

Grace sai

t but he eventually decided to trust Grace, she

here for the girl I sa

him a while and the

asked and Mark shook his head causi

ie. I have to watch out for my injured men.

dressed as Sallie sudde

n are under my care. If you dare t

fore his expression turned firm again, “I onl

them into the hospital linking h

out you” Mark whispered as

ter” Grace glanced apologeti

two, Prince Ash who was following

uttered. He knew he shouldn’t offend this red hai

lady, I am sure she will underst

erstand, but she likes

nd, he was surprised when she sa

ll use me and the Kranio to impress him. Bravo Ash” Prince Ash muttered to

ceptionist took out his phone as soon

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