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Word Count: 2220    |    Released on: 11/08/2022

oo much noise. Prince Ash held his breath when he saw the girl lying on the hospital bed. He couldn’t take his eyes of off her. She looked very peaceful but there was a light creas

t with many people who trained themselves with the desire to be an ape

was a young man with power who had many girls by his side, he had seen all kinds of models and beautiful girls but not once had he felt this way before a person. The beauty of thi

rned to her with a pitiful smile. What would come would come no matter what

ed by the looks of the girl he saved, he was also confused by the change in Grace’s tone. He had served in the military in the past so he could sense the power in Grace’s voice, she was som

and leave the country.

out of the country wasn’t a big deal. He had been afraid she would ask for the jet, it would dela

the same loop as Prince Ash.

the room into the lobby

ked her once they were a d

someone is looking for her and that person has the power to employ my workers. I need you to leave u

bout you?”

much to tell you but first take the

e in the next moment he collapsed into her arms shot twice from behind. Panic flashed in Grace eyes but it

to see what just happened with their guns drawn. When they saw Mark’s bo

the Prince Ash and ordered but

carefully removed the needles connected to her veins and one of the men carried her in a bridal

hospital and with his SUV he took her to the airport leaving Grace behind. He wasn

to raise his head against. Although he almost got into a fight with her earlier, it was for the sake of his men’s life. By the rules of their world,

had done that for his wounded men who were sent into the hospital just before he arrived. Now he had lost two more, healthy and functioning men, there were not simple gun men, they were people who trusted their li

Prince Ash nodded. Regardless of his grievance, now was not the ti


han the attackers had calculated so they all quickly escaped

ion has sta

who was reporting to her

e wake up? That’s all I nee

was the sole owner of the hospital but none of them knew anything about her before today. They only now realized that sh

d she particularly care about it. Right now, her eyes w

he aske

new better than to involve himself in this matte

lied and Grace nodded

city’s underworld lord. He would be happy if she did because then the police would get to take the cre

the city which caused everyone in the

girl with a mohawk haircut turned to

after the girl Mark rescued raised his head from the documents on his laps. He looked really

ked forward and the doors opened on its own when he reached it. Inside the shop were people quietly having their morning coffee and some snacks or the typica

her guests with his presence or footsteps. When he reached the table, he simply sat down across from an old man with wrinkles on his face and hands with which he was holding a ne

ties put down the paper and stared sile

ked, despite his age, his voice w

no civilian casualties” Philip tried to defend himself giving the older man in front of

spital or whose people you have killed?” th

He didn’t think there was anyone in the country who could challenge the Judge family, although he had changed his name from Judg

ranio is?” The old man asked, picking up

ion, but they operate from Everston” Philip began to feel apprehensive

know who th


nt Vharlad depends on his legal company for the military’s weapons. The hospital you attacked belongs to his daughter, the Sallie or Princess. In the attack, you killed a man she was interested in. Now this is what’s really bad about this, the Sallie was chasing this man,

was no chance he would survive to live another day! He didn’t think a person so powerful would let him go. Perhaps

expression, the older man f

come, it will cost much but there is no better choice. For now, what you must do is exercise caution or I might not be able to save you a second time.” The old man, picked up his cane

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