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Word Count: 1313    |    Released on: 25/08/2022

oon as she did, a splitting headache assaulted her and she pa

od frozen for a full ten seconds before realizing what had happened. Because of her l

ough, she was more cautious. Instead of sitting up, s

her and smiling. May couldn't tell why but her mind screamed at her not to smile back or get close to this person. She didn't know what it was she was afraid o

can here me" the doctor spoke ag

wondered but sh

raised her hand wanting to touch it but Doctor Mera took her hand and gently put it back down. Cautiously, May struggled to remove her

rs am I holding

ils switching from the fin

ng up a single finger, she moved it slowly from left to right and

you uncomforta


n you tell m

silent and then sh

hat's yours?" Doctor Mer

ls roving back and forth throu

t this issue, the dull ache slowly increasing into a sharp pain. Her face contorted in pain and she gr

ther time. It's okay, look at at me." Doctor Mera tapped her cheeks and tried to

so you lost some of your memories to protect yourself from the pain. It's called dissociative amnesia. There is a very high chance t

moment she was going to nod but immed

sudden, she had an ominous feeling. Fortunately, she managed to push that aside and instead focus on the problem the doctor said she

ed cells and the metal as your body adapts to them, the pain will go away. During this time you'll need to be careful of any stressful situations to avoid any pressure build up from affecting your wound or y

f the room. Just a few seconds later she retur

esidents and they will be taking care of you. Is it okay

little glum that she couldn't

er corner of the room behind her playing a card game. Normally they would get very busy a

unrestricted access to the entry would of the bullet and because of the delay in getting treatment, the rough handling by

gentle knock and the door opened to rev

r had stopped asking her questions that required her to talk. She could nod now, the pain was v

." Doctor Mera said cautiously half expecting May to refuse. In their short time together

g them in?"

Most of it was out of gratitude but an even greater part was curiousity to know who she was. She wanted to find out why she felt scared of Do

ely this time instead of simpl

face blossomed into a smile as she

o other people. A cream colored haired girl, and a g

gers and tried to smile but her

acknowledge them since her face

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