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Into The Night

Into The Night


Chapter 1 Meeting Her

Word Count: 1663    |    Released on: 22/08/2022


e tried to say something but I held her eyes and impelled her. "You will forget everything that happened this night and you will run home like a good little girl” She nodded her head in understanding and I picked up a sniff of rone. Turning, I returned to my previous location and as predicted, I met it unoccupied with little trails of blood. 2005 I should be afraid of darkness but am not. I find solace in it, and it’s like my safe coven. I can hear them shout but I can’t see them. She’s beseeching him to stick around instead of taking off. I loathe it here, I detest being with her, I wish she was the one in that truck and not him. Thus maybe I wouldn’t have to hide away in the dark. I recall that day just like yesterday, when my old man found out that my mum was sleeping around just to have access to cocaine. He left, and he planned on taking me along. The plan was to wait for him to come back the following morning but he never showed up. Rather, men in blue suits appeared and informed my mom that my dad got involved in a car accident and he didn’t make it. She cried that day, she cried as if she cared, she cried and those men in blue suits consoled her as if she needed it. I wanted to tell them she was the reason he’s no more. I wanted to tell them to go through our kitchen cabinets but I couldn’t because even though I don’t want to about it, she’s all I have left. “Let go of me, bitch!!!... I don’t have any coke to give to you.” I was brought back to realism by the man’s stern tone and my mother’s pleading voice “That is not our deal Josh... You...You...vowed to offer me some today. " “I’m telling you I don’t have it!!! No cunt is worth this squabble...your daughter didn’t even allow us to have a good time and you are demanding for extra coke!!! You know what Angela!!! Don’t fucking call me again!” “Josh please don’t do this... I need this... I need... it to get through. " The sound of the door banging shut confirmed that Josh, as she called him, paid her no listening ears. The entire house became quiet and I know what next is going to happen because it happens anytime she loses one of her suppliers. “Lucy!!!! Lucy!!! You fucking rotten luck where are you....I should throw you off the fucking roof for your bad luck...I grieve ever giving birth to you... If only the heaven heard my prayers and made you get in that truck with that worthless father of yours then I wouldn’t have to suffer all these loses!!!” I gripped the handkerchief in my pocket, the strange handkerchief that I don’t know how it got to my custody, but one fact I know is that it provides me peace and strength to go through all afflictions from my mother. While gripping the personalized handkerchief harder, I traced my finger through the letters engraved into the handkerchief. CARDIN. 2007 I still see her in my dreams, I still see that little girl from the park, those

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