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The Lycan King's Rejected Queen

Chapter 6 He is not a stranger

Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 27/08/2022

the couches. Alina looked around and tried to find the man who alwa

r men who lived in the house?" She felt relaxed

s to her last night. She needed to

r men?" Cr

ghter w

ter wolves are living here

her. "What do you mean? Where do

the Lycan manor which we call our pack house. All the other ranks live in their own houses. Yes, they come here becau

al without saying anything

id you fall for any of th

ut it was not the time. She needed to take time for herself

but when she saw Alina looked

ild? Are you okay?" She

and shook her head.

ou looking

hing, Aun

and looked at



the village si


age side. Alina came back to the pack after

did you know that I came b

"Crystal told

ead to Crystal. Cr

" Darren said to Daisy and turne

ll leave for the villag

od up from the couch. They went

ren said, "We will go to the

e front passenger seat beside the driver while Alina and

rom the window and thinking

f the officials, and fighter wolves can't stay in the pack house at night, so

n." Crystal


t he was rud

ron come bac

lina looked at Crystal. 'W

you." Delta D

mouth and didn't

od she was asking a

illage side. A few minutes later

around. She was feeling refreshed when

Darren said, "This is one of the

king with her because he was rude to Crysta

rm. "I will show you the village market." She walked

came here I bought something for everyone

hing for me from here.

ir things only village people use. I thought y

why didn't you call me whenever you come here? I remember

Alina. I thought you would get an

ing here." Alina said. She was confused by Cr

about it, Alina. Let's enjoy the time right now. We will tal

d for them. Alina insisted on paying for

ame here to buy daily accessories at the sa

tiful!" A

nt to buy something for Aaro-" She looked at Delt

something for our King Aaron

e. Alina turned her head to Delta Darren. "

k." He answered. He was not rud

t a pack? Shouldn't t

a, Theta, Delta, Gamma, and Omegas all live together just like a normal pack. So that was why we call it a pack. The pack house was actually called 'The Lycan Palace' befo

head. 'That was why we call it a pa

d into her head. "What about the oth

t side is full of Lycans. Whenever we need to go to an

here? Even his father lived

full of Lycans so you can guess they don't need major p

Here people have their families who they need to protect every time. So

anation Alina nodded. "Wow.

the way, why do you com

n. She just could not say to him that

ut it, so he said, "It's okay. You don't have to answer.

the King would help her. "Will he really

ck when he heard the quest

ain his features. I think he is one of

tell me his name, I will ta

chance to ask her mate his name.

are so eager to find him? Do you have a crush on some stranger?" Delta Darren asked

t their meeting last night. He could not say to him that



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1 Chapter 1 Nightmare 2 Chapter 2 Back to her pack3 Chapter 3 Who are you 4 Chapter 4 Mate 5 Chapter 5 Search for someone 6 Chapter 6 He is not a stranger7 Chapter 7 He is the Lycan King!!!8 Chapter 8 Feeling afraid 9 Chapter 9 I don't want to accept you10 Chapter 10 King Aaron11 Chapter 11 You need a Queen12 Chapter 12 King's Palace 13 Chapter 13 Meeting in the garden14 Chapter 14 So Ruthless15 Chapter 15 Talk with Lucas16 Chapter 16 Search for fighter wolf 17 Chapter 17 Atlas & Lucas argument 18 Chapter 18 She is letting you go19 Chapter 19 I will kill your lover20 Chapter 20 He is the King indeed 21 Chapter 21 The Party22 Chapter 22 Alpha of Silver Moon Pack23 Chapter 23 Meeting Rick Again24 Chapter 24 Dancing with the King25 Chapter 25 You can't go26 Chapter 26 Feeling sympathy for her 27 Chapter 27 Try to live happily 28 Chapter 28 A Weak Creature29 Chapter 29 Thinking about her30 Chapter 30 Someone Help!31 Chapter 31 Come to help her 32 Chapter 32 Do you care for her 33 Chapter 33 You have me34 Chapter 34 You are in love 35 Chapter 35 Again 36 Chapter 36 Did they touch you 37 Chapter 37 Let me heal you38 Chapter 38 Healing her39 Chapter 39 Wants To Meet Her40 Chapter 40 Don't close your eyes 41 Chapter 41 Punishing the boys42 Chapter 42 Don't want to reject 43 Chapter 43 Crystal in her dream44 Chapter 44 Come for Lunch 45 Chapter 45 Unknown Sender 46 Chapter 46 You will be my Queen 47 Chapter 47 Father's call48 Chapter 48 Talking with him49 Chapter 49 Preparing gifts50 Chapter 50 Village fair51 Chapter 51 Role play52 Chapter 52 He is here53 Chapter 53 Sky Lanterns54 Chapter 54 She is my Queen55 Chapter 55 He has a mate 56 Chapter 56 Best Friend Indeed57 Chapter 57 Does he love her 58 Chapter 58 Daisy-Atlas argument 59 Chapter 59 Royal Bridal Gown60 Chapter 60 Alina's Parents 61 Chapter 61 Atlas's Warning 62 Chapter 62 The Wedding Day63 Chapter 63 The Incident 64 Chapter 64 Aaron's view65 Chapter 65 Punishment Of Death 66 Chapter 66 Crystal's Lie67 Chapter 67 Nightmare became true 68 Chapter 68 Wake up in Dungeon 69 Chapter 69 The Truth70 Chapter 70 Leave71 Chapter 71 Where am I 72 Chapter 72 Alpha Rick73 Chapter 73 Luna 74 Chapter 74 Meeting Rick's Parents75 Chapter 75 She can't be your Luna76 Chapter 76 The Past77 Chapter 77 Royal Witch 78 Chapter 78 I will help you79 Chapter 79 Tell me the truth 80 Chapter 80 Talking about the King81 Chapter 81 Meeting Lucas82 Chapter 82 Have you ever met him 83 Chapter 83 Rick's Mate84 Chapter 84 Soon-to-be Luna85 Chapter 85 Who would leave King Aaron 86 Chapter 86 Because she is different 87 Chapter 87 Talking with him again 88 Chapter 88 Dining table89 Chapter 89 Something worse90 Chapter 90 No Spell Can Affect91 Chapter 91 Seeing Her Wolf 92 Chapter 92 Care for her 93 Chapter 93 Too Late94 Chapter 94 Lying to the King95 Chapter 95 Enough !96 Chapter 96 Announcement 97 Chapter 97 Witchcraft98 Chapter 98 Lost the last chance 99 Chapter 99 Don't make me wait100 Chapter 100 Are you not happy