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Werewolf Prince Love Story

Chapter 4 Go Outside The Palace

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 03/09/2022

fts to his father, Lycaon didn't leave right away. He purposely stayed to see his father play. There was a time when Lycaon shouted lo

the royal family. Not only about his attitude which they thought was stupid, Lycaon also o

compared to him, the people there simply clapped and smiled as b

father who was still smiling satisfied with

looked surprised

er's technique in arching that

he sake of formality and respect for having their King here. Mea

you know that in archery there is a techniq

mbers of the royal family, bodyguards and others. For a moment his expression

who wanted to laugh at him face to face here. "I'm just bul

walked closer to his son, then handed him a bow and arrow. Everyone was shocked, in

I was just bullshit?" He asked because he really didn't

one. There's nothing wron

es suspicion and speculation for Lycaon. The man seemed to weig

an showing silliness and keeping every

ep breath, t

y's games. Now it's my turn to show th

having any ability to be able to protect his people. Let alone to protect the people, he couldn't do it just to protect himself. Lycaon took up his position after receiving the bow and arrow gi

ad expected this to happen. That

table, the man smiled stupidly while scratc


e, right now. It was late at night, but he couldn't sleep. There was no definite reason, he did have such a habit

m. He was a werewolf, it was easy for him

ace. He whistled casually while gazing at the stars and moon. Within two minutes of ent

ere!" h

two heads taller than the Lycaon. The man ru

. You must have m

rse's neck, then gave the signal to start walking. He seemed very s

f jumping which is getting faster and faster. Lyc

urse became a secret, only he knew. Behind the bushes that reached the man

e challenge from his father, Lycaon behaved like the stupid Prince t

ant to believe. If they think and always complain that the Prince is a stupid

s well as several animals such as deer and birds that passed around him very easily. He did that as if he was dealing

day or whatever it is, don't be surprised w

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