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Werewolf Prince Love Story

Chapter 5 Girl Caught In A Trap

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 03/09/2022

Today he was too bored to be in the palace. An afternoon where the sun did not shine brightly, Lycaon decided to sneak out of the palace into the forest. He played as usual with his favorite horse. At that time, Lycaon let his horse rest to eat and drink by the river which was not far from where he was now. He plays darts alone and targets whatever he finds interesting. One arrow flew right into the trunk of a large tree which was within 10 m of its position.

as currently in the wilderness which was quite deep and far from the human population or werewolf packs. Yes, although

d again. This time a cry for help came from the same voice. Out

in startled by someone with an animal trap net. At first he didn't

s! Oh my, how can I be in a place like this?!" Lycaon just st

a deer caught in a human trap. Ple

till hanging in the air at the moment. He just wanted peace and did what he wanted without care and without being seen by others.

opes of the net and the figure inside was free, but another scream from the same person broke. Lycaon's ears. Realizing what was happening He hasti

r, it didn't stop there, the owner of the voice that almost broke his eardrum again co

ouched down then took one of his

e creature, he accidentally met

istance the two exchanged glances and at that moment Lycaon realized that this figure in front of him was a real human and a female. Somehow and

ou hun

was not as noisy as before, instead what he just hear

, thanks fo

ed his gaze the other way. Immediately he com

igure very clearly. A beautiful woman with blonde hair with pure white

egs excruciating pain. It turned out that there was a wound to the point of bleeding on his knee.

y bad

him when he reached out for the girl to

hes look beautiful when they move. "Oh, thanks again.

's not good to stay in

sign that she was confused

safe place first t

ything, her body had already been lifted. Of course it made him

d up can't I m

e turned to the woman's bare feet which look

he wolves before you ma

ave. For now that was the only place this human girl could shelter. The wolf rea

he cave. Lycaon sat the girl down then tore off his own clothes to

zia Bo

sing the wound instantly raise

the girl who called her

conds for him to

live in this area? And thanks

g awkward he said again, "Do wolves really exist? They c



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