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Dominating Alpha's Rogue mate

Dominating Alpha's Rogue mate


Chapter 1 First day

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


stop that


nately, that wasn't it. I was talking to my inner self, it was weird but I could hold a heated conversation with her, I called her Angela. "E

for school" I said

called me like a thousand times to get ready

y or



on the various outfits I pla

a crop shirt"my inner self mocked when I

"I scoffed and picked something else. My inner self had crazy ideas when it

and I ignored her. Ferret on the other hand was busy trying t

g. Sometimes I just wished dad never rescued him from the anima

irror. Looking at my reflection, maybe Angela was right,

sense o

everything I could t

tes!"I heard my dad shouting f

sure if to let my hair down or tie it in a

calculator in my blue backp

ouse was small with just two bedrooms on the upper case. A small living room with just a sizable bookshelf and a fireplac

ic and a basemen

shouted when I searched the living room

n yelling my name non-stop but whe

ping me out that I nearly fell from

tly that I swore I could have had a hear

… I packed breakfast and lunch and cookies too"

ng else to treat me like a kid. I was a young b

and the air. Of course, I had to wear a lot of perfume.

shrugged and he chuckled an

round on an empty stomach," he said in between chuckles and guided me to his truck.

ou can't let me date… what's with you"I wa

l the teeth from any boy who tried to look at my prin

all the dad rules. If anyone had a dad like

walking around. The town we moved to was small and cold. It had a lot of swa

there. I shrugged only to

w this sch

anything. I saw his change of expression when I was going to a private s

to call me" he said cupping my face. He kissed m

Stepping my feet on the school grounds. A cold bree

. I heard dad's car whoosh away. The old truck could be heard from a mil

glorious surroundings. The school was lovel

aling that rich fresh air. My lips curled upwards as I

t of th

it b

a red sports car coming towards me at a high speed..my body stiffened, frozen in place as adrenal

sped in awe beca

? Getting hit by a

say and in no time. Someone pushed me away with enou

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