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Dominating Alpha's Rogue mate

Chapter 2 Perfume scents

Word Count: 1086    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


body was in pure agony that e

ng pain..my back was aching so much. I tried to pry my eyes open and

I couldn't help but lash at my inner self t

"I nearly jumped out of bed I realized I was lying, at the sigh

aid. For a second I thought I was dead and woke up in heaven.

interest. I knew her too well. She never saw

not realizing I vo

g brows at me, still staring at me. He

bitch… he's

uffled my mouth to stop Angela from embarrassing me further. The

en will the pretty fairy be alright"the boy said turning to th

as in a small room with hospital equip

nurse teased looking at me with a grin. I didn't know what was

lled"the boy turned to me and said

ing that"I did it again and this time I was sweating, drench

nd shoved his hands in his pants.

ne and be careful with your hands… you suffered some bruises" the lady said pointing at my left arm and yes. My arm was wrap

table" the boy said, gripping me by the shoulders. My heart was thumping l

im away and sat upright. Soon he

rrow bed and used my foot to drag my sneakers closer "sorry my freakish frien

ng and see how the pretty boy is staring at you…meow meow")Angela said giggling in between laughter. I was i

ntroduced himself when I finished wearing

even report, how was


I mentioned the subjects I saw in the brochure. It

I was stunned. Standing up, I saw that I was so little compared to him. He was

astically and he chuckled. It

ack from me and dragging me out of the room. I didn't even know why he was doin

ancing down at me. I was hesitant, not sure what t

earthy, it incites your senses and gives a warm feeling" the boy start

y was full of students moving around

werful enough to musk all other scents forming a sweet fragrance" the boy added leanin

used? Not like it was a problem but I used so many that people normall

face, shocking me beyond reason that I stumbled backwards


e on… ther

rted running toward us. Both of us turned to see, he was distracted hence snatching

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