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Dominating Alpha's Rogue mate

Chapter 3 Popular boy

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


htened me. Why did he ask me that? Was he

. I sat in the backseat far from him

ancing to the sides only

irst time, I didn't enjoy school. Back home I was a topper, I worke

out my education which was wh

ught me back to my senses. It was chemistry class. I didn't listen to anyth

" said a girl with pink hair. I came to know her n

ked everyone to choose a random topic in chemistry and prepare a presentation"the teacher said, shifting he

mn! W

ords left my mouth

red percent, "the lady said showing us the sheet of paper. I was a little scared, I didn't know anyone here. Why would she have to give som

smile. I saw how the pink-haired gi

ho had been sleeping

veryone in the room murmured..not just them but I was

partner… no one is allowed to have him"the pink-haired girl threw a fit.

he teacher said with a slam on the table indicating her decision was final. St

storming out of the classroom including the boy who was taken by th

ir fist on my desk. Looking up it was the pink

the chair and prepared to go when the gir

ened her grip on my hair. Deep down Angela was angry, ther

snapping, my eyes star

eyes in check"the girl spat out and pushed me away

's so ugly..this is Ch

e was with said sarcastically and followed

scoffed and massaged my head. Those little ba

ere just like he said. I was thankful for that. With the speed of a cheetah, I took my things and rushe

matter and he was popularat the school. That explained why all those

me that I nearly suffered a heart attack. Reac

d with a grin. The jerk scared me. Did he k

didn't have to wait for my dad to pick me up knowing he

didn't give him a chance to talk to me therefore

you live!" he kept on shouting after

ded to come to the town hidden away for a reason. Luckily I managed to get to my neighborhood,

ed in relief a

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