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Dominating Alpha's Rogue mate

Chapter 4 A sudden visitor

Word Count: 1109    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

. I was sitting at the kitchen island watching him while I did my

asn't as I anticipated it to be ("tell him you met a boy") Angela

most annoyin

, or maybe in a play or something," my dad said, throwing a side glance. To be honest Tom

t all" I didn't sign up for anything although

" he said, turning to look at me. I was too much into eatin

think about finding a library or something" I preferred spending my hours

e"again, the only topic which made me lose my appetite. With a


unately he already trig

t even finish when there was a doorbell. Curious about who it may be. Dad and I excha

o school. I concentrated on my work guessing it was the newspaper guy or some other pe

k and said. Startled upon hearing him, I turned

arming smile and waved at him. Swallowing the f

kward but I was s

her dad said, nodding at Daron. What


n on the chair before I could get rid of him. He was impossible. Ho

d. Did dad know who he was? Looking at my dad smiling while serving Daron. I was wo

my dad said and left the kitchen. Of course, he had to f

n't appreciate how cute he looked while eating ("run Nellie, he's going t

said not sure if it was a compliment or an insult…

u" I said, avoiding his gaze. I didn't like his presence one b

said with a small frown plastered on his face making me feel gu

after some time. Darin seemed to be thin

and my heart raced. Even if

mean"I stuttered not sure what

h in hiding your real scent" Daron muttered shifting his gaze to look at me. I was so n

know what you me

I was afraid. I thought the town didn't have any. How come it was easy for Daron to recognize me unless ("he's a wolf dummy, check out his aura…it's h

narrowed eyes. I was bothered that my mouth went dry. This wasn't happening. How did he know I was a wolf? Did he

er wolves were here? Which pack did he belon

getting ready"my dad walked in just as I was

the chair and stormed out of the kitchen. We needed to leave the

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