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Melting her hardened heart

Chapter 4 In love with Ana

Word Count: 3079    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

" " Alright" Ana said. " Now please smile" Justin said giving her a reassuring smile. " Yes" Ana said and gave him a light smile. ************************************************ FEW DA

tin. " Justin, Justin, is that you?" Ana called from her cell. " Ana?" Justin ran to her cell. " How'd you end up here?" He asked. " It was Alex. I got into a fight with him and then hit him so he threw me in the lockup" Ana explained. " I'm here now alright? Don't worry. I'll handle it" he said and went back to the officer. " Listen, I'm a high ranking official of the martinis. If you don't release her now then......" He said showing them his I.D CARD. " Oh yes. Release her"' the officer said and they unlocked Ana's cell. " Thanks" Ana said to Justin " Madam, please sign here" a female officer told Ana. " Yes" Ana said and signed. " Let's go" Justin said. " Go where?" Ana asked. " Where else? Alexander Hamilton" Justin said and left. " What is this guy planning?" Ana asked herself. It won't be good........... " jus.... Justin, hold on" Ana called a furious Justin causing him to halt. " What?" He asked without turning to look at her. " Please. What are you planning to do? At least tell me" Ana begged. " Listen, there's no need to know. You'll see when we get there" Justin said and got into the car. " Are you coming?" He asked. " Yes...... I'm coming" Ana said. She quickly got into the car scared. " Come on driver, let's go" Justin said and the driver started the car. All through the ride to Alex's house, Ana could not help but feel scared. " What is Justin planning?" Ana asked herself. " What will Alex do to me after Justin is done with him? I'm scared". " Driver, speed up" Justin told the driver with fury in his eyes. " I'm sorry sir, but here in country G we have a speed limit and I can't go past that speed" the driver said. " Stop the car!!" Justin ordered. " But sir we're not there yet and....." " I said stop the car" Justin ordered. " But Justin....." Ana was interrupted by Justin. " Stop the car or I'll seize your license" Justin threatened the driver and the driver stopped the car. " Get out!!" Justin ordered as he got out of the passengers seat. " But Justin you......" " Ana, shut up!!" Justin said. He pulled the driver out of the car and threw some money at him. " Take that and go home" Justin said. " Thank you sir" the driver said and left. " But Justin, you ......." Justin started the car at maximum speed limit. " Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Ana screamed as she swung from left to right in the car. " Use your seatbelt, that's what it's for" Justin said not reducing the speed limit. " Yes" Ana stuttered, she quickly put on her seatbelt and sighed of relief. She looked at the mirror in the car and saw that her hair was now a mess. " Oh geez" " We're here" Justin said and the car came to a halt. " We .......we are here?" Ana stuttered. She was definitely scared of getting back into the house. Justin got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Ana. " Justin, I don't think it'll be a good idea for me to come with you" Ana said trying to avoid going into the house. " Ana, don't be scared. I'm here for you" Justin said and extended his hand. Ana sighed before taking his hands and coming out of the car. " It'll be alright, say it" Justin said as they walked into the house. " It'll be alright, it'll be alright, it'll be alright" Ana chanted as they walked into the house. " Sonya!!" Alex yelled. " Sir!!" Sonya replied as she came down. " Can you tell me why you did what you did?" Alex asked fur

off her earrings and wedding ring. " Sure" Justin said and left. Ana sighed before going to close the door. She undressed before going to shower. She came out with just her white towel which only covered her laps and the top part of her body. " Ana, I......." Justin walked in and saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Ana only had her towel on which revealed those wonderful laps of hers. Due to her bath, tendrils of her hair stuck to her face in the most graceful manner. He looked down and saw how she twisted her toes obviously shy that he'd walked in on her. " I'm sorry" he said and shut the door behind him. " Oh my goodness!!" Ana exclaimed. She rushed and locked the door before going to her closet to pick out a white crop top and a black high waist jean. She blow dried her hair brushed it, letting it down but using some clips to make it look more beautiful. She put on the clothes and picked out a white sneaker to compliment the white top. She applied some make up and put on her wedding ring before making to leave. " My earrings" she said feeling her eyes. She put on her earrings and took her phone before leaving the room. Justin sat in the living room where the maids were chatting indistinctly making a lot of noise. However, their noise did not seem to bother him. All he could think of was Ana's amazing body. " Gosh she's hot!!" He thought to himself. " I have never seen a woman as beautiful as she is. Why would any man want to hurt someone as beautiful as her? If she were my wife, I'd treat her like a queen. " He said smiling at himself. " I think I'm in love. I'm in love with you Ana and I'll make you mine at all cost. First, I'll make sure that so called husband of yours st

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