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Melting her hardened heart

Chapter 5 She got him bailed

Word Count: 1665    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

her in the hospital? All these thoughts ran through his head. Here he was planning of keeping Alex in prison while he made Ana his but she ruined everything. He cursed inwardly and si

r while running his hands through his hair. " Tell me Justin, what's wrong?" Ana asked. " Listen Ana, I don't know how to say this to you but I think I've fallen for you and I don't want Alex standing in the way" Justin said. Ana just stood there looking at him without an expression on her face. " Ana?" He cupped her face with both of his hands. " Tell me, say something. Don't you love me back? Tell me" Ana still kept quiet. Justin looked at her, trying to read through her and before he knew it, she started laughing uncontrollably. " Ana?" Justin was confused. " You're such a joker!!" She said still laughing. " What do you mean Ana? I said I love you and all you can say is I'm a joker?" Justin asked. " Of course. How can you love me when you know I'm married? Come to think of it, you've barely known me for a week and then you said you love me?" She was still laughing. " You know we're just friends and we'll only be friends so zip the act, I know you are just joking" When Justin heard what she said, not wanting things between them to get awkward, he decided to play along. " So you got me? I thought I'd be able to fool you" he said smiling " Duh! Who wouldn't?" Ana said tucking her hair behind her ears " Guess I'll have to

eyes flew wide open at the shock of the kiss. She kissed him back softly before he broke the kiss. " Sorry about that" Alex apologized. " It....it's okay" she said and ran out of the room shyly. " Gross!!" Alex said cleaning his lips with the back of his palm. " She's way too innocent for my liking." He said and sighed. He went to his wardrobe, picked out a red t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. " This is good" he said, threw the clothes to the bed and went into the bathroom. ************************************************ JUSTIN'S HOUSE...... " Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Justin yelled as he threw his phone to the bed in anger. " What's wrong sir?" A woman who seemed to be in her late forties asked while adjusting her apron. " Will you just get out!!" He screamed " Yes....yes sir" she said in fear and ran out. " What's wrong Justin?" A lady who seemed to be in Ana's age range walked in. " Listen Vivi, just go , I'm not in the mood to see anyone" Justin said as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. " Really? Not even your own sister?" She said pretending to be sad. " Yes. Not even you so just go" he said and proceeded to sit on the bed. " Come on, you know you can always trust me" she said and poured some water into a glass. " Here, drink this" she said handing him the glass. " Thanks" he said and gulped the whole glass in one go. " Now, tell m

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