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Melting her hardened heart

Chapter 7Ā She has being kidnapped

Word Count: 1919 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 16/09/2022

gering. Suddenly, she remembered that she had gone out with Alex. She retreated and proceeded to the bathroom, hoping to find him and get a reasonable explanation from him. She check

e. She also got dressed and then went back to sitting on the bed. " And where are you off to?" She asked. " I don't answer to sluts" he said and that was enough to get her infuriated. " Slut? Oh so now I'm a slut. But when you were busy moving inside me I wasn't a slut. Shameless man" she said and hissed. " Did you just talk back at me?" He asked furiously. " Yes and I'll do it again. Do you think you......" Before she could say anything, Alex slapped her. " Be grateful that you satisfied me. Else, I'd have had you killed. Be warned!!" He said and left. The woman was left in so much shock. She couldn't help but wonder what came over but at the same time, see was grateful that he didn't have her killed. She quickly packed her things and ran out of the room, afraid that he might decide to come back for her. ************************************************ Ana walked past many rooms, wondering where her husband could have gone. She became scared for him, wondering if he'd been kidnapped. She shoved it off remembering that Alex wasn't only her husband but the most feared man in all of country G. " No one can ever hurt Alex" she resolved. She decided to return to her room and wait for him and surprisingly, when she got into her room, she found him there. " Alex?" She asked, shutting the door behind her. " Where'd you go and what are we doing in a hotel". " Relax, I just wanted us to spend quality time together" he said pulling her to himself. " Where did you go? I was worried sick for you" " Well, now I'm here so don't worry" he said patting her back as they embraced each other. She smiled, " I'm so glad you

it back. What a husband!! " Sir, she was kidnapped by the martini guy, Justin Balor" she said. Immediately Alex heard Ana was with Justin, he felt his blood begin to boil. Sure, he wasn't in love with her. He only kept her as his wife for the sake of it but the thought of her being with someone who truly loved her made him boil. " Where'd he take her? Tell me, that guy. I'll kill him the moment I set my eyes on him" Alex said furiously. " Tell me, where's Ana?" '' I don't know sir. All I know is that she was kidnapped by Justin" Sonya said, fear getting the best of her. " Get out!!" Alex ordered her furiously. Sonya didn't need a soothsayer to tell her that one more minute of her being with Alex could result in an assault so she quickly ran out. Furiously, Alex took the vase beside him and smashed it to the ground. If it had being anyone else who kidnapped Ana, he'd be happy because he'd never wanted her in his life. He only married her as his mother's last wish. ( Story for another time) Now he was going to kill that Justin guy. " How dare he kidnap my wife?" He muttered to himself as he stormed out of his house into his car. " Sir, where are you going? Let me drop you off" his driver offered. Alex looked at his driver with anger in his eyes. " One more word and you lose your job" he said and got into the car. " Car keys please" he said. Not wanting to get into trouble with Alex, the driver quickly handed him the keys and left a furious Alex to drive himself to God knows where. *************

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