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Desert Love

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1670    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

relax or tighten at will, she was able to throw all manner of inflection into the words, and all shades of ton

in the ears of the man, and his heart seemed likely to be engulfed in the go

never seen an oasis, for you see I know nothing of Egypt, but I once had an Arab mare. She was wonderful and white. Perhaps Monsieur has some of her brothers or sisters? And just for once I should like

ove and kill in one moment, but until the woman is literally swept off her feet, or the man or

gly strong men. No matter what paroxysm of rage, revenge, or desire may be shaking the man

crossed arms, the nails were dug into the palms, and raising her eyes to the so

y which will most surely lead to sudden murder, or to long bloody feud drawn out

advise you to take the nearest camel, train, or boat, or

ite, and your figure bent with the passage of years, and then, only then will he be appeased, when

e his heart with his right hand, and murmuring the customary salutation, "May peace be upon you," he paused for a moment, and then continued,

she simply smiled back into the angry ones which looked down upon her from some considerable height, and, with a little shrug of her shoulders, a habit acquired from one of a succession of f

rl, minus scenery and every accessory due to a book heroine, capable in fi


t in Egypt, where the sun, sky, winds, and memories serve rather to force

, smooth as a newly born whippet puppy, and as yet unruffled from the cleaner's manipulations, she sp

unforeseen circumstances she were to miss the train, would s

gnorance of deserts, she imagined the oasis c

ably mixing in her fingers, palsied by age, and fretted by the constant tugging and straining of thos

voice sinking to that deep note which no other nation attains, resembling in no way the Ru

grinding of the brakes as the train comes to a standstill, you must make your choice. A few moments ago I saw you

ain to live, to fight, to hate, and above all to love, in obedience to the will which counteth and heapeth the particles of sand upon this station, yet are we allowed, to voice our desires, being mouth-pieces of Fate. Nay! wait one moment until I make clear the way, so that you may not put down your beautiful feet blindly u

me, and the sand will close in upon you

house at nine to-night; if you are not the

t glinted for one moment

will be a man-a man indeed!" she whisp

Hahmed the Arab, so deeply indeed that a shiver ran from her brain to her fing


st time, and placing her in a dusty corner of the stifling carriage, she slipped away on the excuse of finding her dressing-case,

into the small carriages, and the train, move out, leaving her alo

extremely dull and unappetising cake named, I believe, Swiss roll, which hides its staleness under the glass case of Life's shop window, lying fly-blown on the plate and heavily and unimaginatively on the digestive powers of those who consume it for the thin layer of jam to be discovered between its wedges of sullen dough. A soul

the dirty waiting-room and whispered to the du

ed my boats behind, or perhaps

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