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Desert Love

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2383    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

pletely evacuated that cell which in one second can raise us through the bluest ether to the heaven as understood by the prayer

ed that the sight of her dressing-case had in no wise aroused the hall porter's curiosity, she propped her luggage

d of me to try a short cut, because she distinctly said I was to stick to the main street until I came to two mosques side by side, and then to turn off sharply to the right. Oh! wel

behind the tree as a white-robed figure slowly cr

hink if you knew I was alone in Egypt. Alone!

oftly in pure exuberance of that feeling of freedom, which seems to make an air pocket all about y

disappeared up a narrower one, halting for a moment at the sight of a man standing with bent head

ll Eastern men seemed exactly alike in the moonlight, yet her inner consciousness began to tap ont

comment as, keeping the star a

d firmly upon her mouth, as she felt herself lifted in a pair of strong arms and carried some considerable distance until she hear

her feet, and looked around her when the c

wisted the corner of her mouth as she noted the

s, mirrors, lamps, and clutter of stools, tables, divans, and couches, inlaid or

she looked into those of a man standing in front

d me from the restaurant to-day! What do you want? Backsheesh? I haven't any so you had better let me go at once unless you want the poli

with the British culprit at the mere threat of British law, showed the absolute yarborough she held in this game, the st

passion of sorts as be looked the girl up and down from head to foot. "The police-the law-you are in Egypt, Madame, or I should

t once," repeated Jill, "if you don

soon aware when once more the man salaa

he has but little-oh! very little money!-yes?-and nowhere to g

ment, wondering how much t

you I had no money? I have

nterrupted the man; "she left them at

he came closer still, his voice sinking to a

e oh, very beautiful! You are a fea

h as she looked unflinchingly into the brown eyes in the depths

what irrelevant remark. "Men of your type I dare say can find a use

nt and then died down, leaving a little sm

ot his name notorious in Northern Egypt and were there not whisp

uals? And was he not in direct communication with them? And had he not a coterie of jackal f

m at bay, more by her seeming indifference to the fate before

s figures, and well-trained, inherited ideas on love, the man was violently attracted by the whiteness of thi

pared to the genuine colouring of a very fair Englishwoman has the same effect on the

ut somehow giving an im

have things of gold to adorn your apartment, at least for a time. I tire easily even o

ting some outburst, but none forthcomi

a time, but surely I have not enjoyed an hour so much for many a day. You are unique, therefore not to be

n a smile, the abomination of which sent a little shudd

to my will, I will break you to it, even if I spoil your satin

sters of evilness, resembled what might be the result of a cross between a spitting cat and a wireless installation. "So! Am I to und

ll to my greatest enemy because he had a few more piastres than I-and maybe a little more diplomacy-a man who would kill me if he

g more subtle than an intense hatred therein for the absent man, shrugged her shoulde

water, but she wrenched herself free and fled behind a divan almost hidden in a bower of gr

n, and bite, and kick, and sc

e plants throwing up the girl's wonderful colouring, the white petals of a flower falling like snow about

il the oriental broke it, smiling the

t in my own quarter of the house without my permission, with the exception of the guardian of the big door itself, but their curiosity would outweigh their prudence if they heard cries, for their delight is unbounded when trouble reigns between their friend or master

tch on the man's movements, though to the very innermost part of

sider this little matter settled even before we were born. Does my

herself down upon the satin cushions, opened her han

ees. Pah! they sickened me, but you-well! I will go and order the coffee, not wishing to bring a slave into your presence, and give orders also, Mademoiselle, th

e ring through a

ing coffee because

nk it," was t

a bet?" was t

ore amazed stared in silence and then laughed so

unfair advantage of you I will lay this emerald ring engraven with my name against one k

inger as he spoke he laid it u

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