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Dick and Brownie


Word Count: 2257    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

me harm coming to poor Dick, and she was never really easy if he was out of her sight. By day, her eyes were here, there, and everywhere, fearful that somewhere those two dr

l, and peer out, to see if they really were getting over the garden wall or not, and always she l

n fact, for Huldah's nervousness, though she tried to keep

,-but what? And then, as though to solve the difficulty for h

he had never known before. She was full of gratitude and of eagerness to begin, and if Miss Rose had not been able to dri

back to it was a pleasure in itself, but best of all was the thought of what she

une, and she would spend the whole of it on Mrs. Perry. She would get her in a store of coal, in readiness f

corn for the fowls; but this plan was changed again for others. Every day Huldah thought out some new and delightful purchases, and what she would have bought finally nobody knows, for Miss Rose and Mrs. Perry put an end to all her schemes, by insisting that the money wa

ot, and Huldah soon began to realise that she did need a warm garment of some sort, for sh

ove her in to Belmouth to hunt through the shops in search of a coat or a cloak which would not cost

iss Rose in her dear little pony-carriage, and actually wearing one of Miss Rose's old golf cloaks wrapped snugly round her. The sun shone and

ightened too, the place was so large, and there were so many people there, who seemed to have nothing to do but stare about them. It was quite an ordeal to walk behind the shop-walker between the

he was doing a very tall young woman was standing beside her with a bright

make all the others seem dull and ugly. But Huldah knew too that it was quite unsuitable for her purpose. What she wanted was a serviceable garment for Sundays

again with black coats, blue coats, dark green and grey coats, and one after the other Huldah tried them on, and one after the other they were thrown aside as useles

tisfactory for her. Fit does not matter so much with a cloak. Now this one is a very good one; it cost fifteen shillings at first, but it is reduced very much, because it is a little out of fashion, and slig

pture she felt the cloak being placed on her shoulders, and saw the girl button the big hor

well," said the girl

ost nervously enquired the price. It would

he girl, who was almost as anxious to sell as the

not be as warm as a coat, but it certainly fits her and suits her. Why, we hav

dah, excitedly. She could scarcely believe yet that she was not in a dream,

it in a parcel, but Miss Carew stopped her. "I think she may as well wear it

I will give y

gue. "Oh, Miss Rose, isn't it lovely! It's so warm, I can

dear. Now get out your p

from its pockets she produced all her worldly wealth. Her fingers trembled so, she could scarcely separate the coins, but at last it was all managed; and, still in a maze of de

ured, if it had not been that her thoughts were more occupied with her shilling than with herself, for with it she was g

and some biscuits, and, greatest treat of all, a smoked haddock, to make

ut for Miss Rose Huldah had nothing, and that was the one cloud on that happy, wonderful day. It was rather a big cloud, too, for she did l

asked Miss Rose, present

py to be tired! and it's lovely to feel the warmth of my cloak coming

to have our brownie in brown

d, without anyone's knowing anything about it, make one of her prettiest and nicest baskets for Miss Rose! Her spirits went up, and up with pleasure at the thought all her gravit

e at the sight of Huldah walking up the path actually wearing her new p

ill-used, runaway waif who had come to her door starving, only so short a time ago? Mrs. Perry asked herself the question as she looked at her, and in

that night. Would it have been to the workhouse, or the jail she would have drifted,-this bonnie, healthy,

he was asking, troubled by th

in it, too, dear!" and for the first time in her life she stooped and kissed the little maiden,

since her mother died, and the first time th

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